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Chat for work

Chat for work

Tuesday April 25, 2017 , 2 min Read

The Information Technology boom has forever changed the landscape of communication within the organization. Today, organizations are investing on technologies and mediums that can ease and increase the efficiency of internal communication within the organization.

Effective communication within the organization is an important element that helps in staying competitive, updated and in driving employee engagement. The evolution of the Internet, electronic communication mediums’ such as e-mails have been predominant in communication within organisations. The click of a mouse has replaced the hassle of face-to-face meetings and communication gaps. It has enabled employees to collaborate innovatively, even when they’re located in different parts of the world, facilitating employees to efficiently co-ordinate and engage, surpassing communication limitations.


With the inception of Internet Relay Chat (IRC), organizations have been deploying chats as a means of internal communication. IRCs are helping employees leverage a channel for communication, collaboration and an emergency communication methodology during a time of crisis. Chat platforms such as Slack, Convo, Hipchat and Yammer have enabled organizations to share thoughts and ideas among co-workers. These apps are much more efficient than e-mail, and having all the parties of interest contributing to the same discussion thread eliminating the need for “reply all” emails.

Chats have empowered quick responses and instant gratification. These tools aren’t just a communication enabler, but provide an interactive and effective web space that enable a collaborative work space. These applications have contributed to organizational growth with reduced operating costs, getting over the barriers of time and distance, lowering travel costs and incorporating sustainable solutions. Apart from the organizational benefits, chats have been commissioned to strengthen customer relationships by enhancing customer experience. Subsequently they are reducing customer service costs and are engaging customers in an innovation process.


By connecting employees of the organizations across various levels and time zones have enabled companies to marginally reduce their operating costs and accredit more time to transform themselves into global organizations. It is imperative organizations adapt to these efficient platforms that increase business efficiency, save cost in the longer run and adhere to excellent communication standards.

- Content Originally shared by Chat for Work