Beyond Meat: How they are replacing animal meat with plant based meat?
Is the future of meat is plant based meat? Is it really possible to replace animal meat with plant based meat?
How this startup is creating plant based meat and how it got started with a vision to create Plant based MC Donald’s.
Yes you heard me right plant based Mcdonalds and it made the Ethan, Founder at Beyond Meat, curious to dig deep into animal meat alternatives.
So what is Beyond Meat and how it got started in the first place?
Ethan Brown founded this venture with the aim to replace animal meat with plant meat. In the podcast “How I built this” Ethan says there are 6 billion animals on planets which are being killed for the sake of their meat. And why cannot we make meat without scarifying animals and he started looking ways to make it possible.
Animals consume plant proteins and convert it into muscles and that’s exactly what we wanted to do but without animals.
So when he got with this idea he started doing research to make it possible and also sold his house to fund his startup in the process. He is also increasingly making efforts to make his startup profitable.
When he started he used to carry meat in his bags on southwest airline and sold it into retail shops. But now he is selling them into Retail Chain “Whole Foods” stores in America.
Interesting facts is that he has not got any background in this segment meaning no pen and paper qualifications. He believes in making things possible if you have passion for it.
After first few years of founding it he attracted investments from investors such as Bill Gates and others.
It was difficult to start and convince people. But with time people started accepting it and that’s when he became ambitious about the future.
So what do they do exactly?
As we all know that meat comes from animals and this startup is replacing animals with plants for converting protein into meat and keeping the process same. They make meat from plant stuff such as soy and peas but can also use lentil protein, cotton seeds and other sustainable crops to make plant based meat.
Currently they sell their product beyond burger in the Whole Foods Retail Stores by placing it in the meat case. So, we have seen the motivations behind the Beyond Meat and how it is making difference in the world.