Blogging ideas for professional architects

Blogging is becoming a popular practice among students and professionals across diverse verticals, such as engineers, designers, fashion and food enthusiasts, travel lovers, tech guys as well as architects. If you are a professional in architecture design, blogging can complement your architectural practice and help in making it a success.
While it is very tempting to start a blog of your own after completing a course in architecture from any of the best architecture colleges in India, publishing valuable content consistently isn’t easy. Today, we are going to share a few ideas for your architectural blog posts.
Your architecture blog can serve as a perfect portfolio site for you, if you curate photographs of your previous or current projects on it, along with relevant content. Tell your readers about your experience working on particular projects, what the client demanded, how well did it go. Share relevant sketches and final photographs.
Life as an Architect
Readers might be interested in what goes on behind the stunning designs that you create. Tell them something about your life as an architect, your likes and dislikes, how you spend your days like – this will help you connect with your readers in a better way. You can also talk about your architectural journey, varying from your course to your first job, and to now.
Architecture trends
Majority of blogs talk about the latest updates and trends in the industry relevant to them. You can also include videos of the best architecture in the world, explaining what is special about them. This would be easier for you if you have some tech knowledge or a friend with experience in web development, maybe someone from the Jaipur engineering college.
Readers always look for fresh and interesting content, what is happening in the world in terms of design, technology and site structure.
Interesting buildings or structures across the world
Showcase the great and most interesting pieces of architecture across the globe. Ensure to include beautiful pictures, which can also be used to promote your blog on social media. Eye-catching photographs of fascinating architecture would easily get your audience rolling.
You can develop a content calendar and do a mix of all these posts. This will help you enhance your architecture blog in a better way. Another great tip to never run out of content ideas for your architecture blogs is to keep reading and be aware of your surroundings and fellow professionals.