Are you wondering why sales from your site are not heading in the right direction? Are you aiming at making major improvements in your sales? Perhaps there is something you are not doing right. Statistics indicate that growth in online sales has been on a constant rise for the past 3 years. In 2013 only, retail e-commerce sales across the world stood at approximately 1.08 Trillion. Recent projections go further to indicate that there will be even more growth in 2018, whereby e-commerce sales will hit 2.48 Trillion.
This indicates that the current position of online sales today is very high and is bound to go higher. In this regard, there is a possibility that you are doing particular things wrongly, and that is why you are not attracting the high sales that you have been craving for.
According to Founderu, over 71% of shoppers across the world believe that online markets offer better deals as compared to offline stores. This means that most buyers are headed online as far as making purchases is concerned. In the near future, over 50% of buyers across the world will have opted for pure online shopping. As it stands now, over 80% of the entire online population has made online purchases at one point in time.
Here are some of the things that you can do to ensure that your sales increase:
Opt for a Responsive Website Design
Many online sellers develop sites that are only friendly to computer users. While this is important, it may not be enough to guarantee you high sales. According to Hosting Facts research, at least 57% of all internet users access the web through mobile phones. The number is bound to grow even further over time. This is solely attributed to the high growth of mobile use in the world.
Instead of focusing on sites that are only friendly to computers, it would be best if you created a platform that allows both computer and mobile users to access your products. A responsive website will definitely work ideally in allowing any access, whether on phone or computer. That way, you will be in a position to garner high traffic to your site, and that may translate to increased sales in the long- run.
Faster Loading Time
You might have all the products that your clients are hunting for, but with slow-loading web pages, you might end up not making sales at all. The high probability is that your prospects will leave the site without even looking around if the loading speed is poor.
Arguably, web visitors are never patient with slow loading pages. This is for the simple reason that there are so many other options at their disposal. For them, it becomes a good idea to just visit an alternative site with a higher loading speed instead of wasting time on a slow one. That said you must now aim at improving the loading speed of your site. Do not keep your prospects and active clients waiting.
Prioritize Clarity
The question here is…how well do you describe your products? Is it possible that your prospects will go right ahead to make purchases without inquiring further? If your description is not in that line, then you are on the losing end. This is because online shoppers do not just go for products without first understanding all aspects in the first place.
Your description must be clear, short, and precise. Note that buyers may not have ample time to glance through a long description of products. In addition, your description should be in a convincing tone. It should give your prospect buyers the reason to buy from your site. The description should be moving in nature rather than a dishonest manner. When everything is clear to the prospects, sales in your site will begin taking a magical rise.
Give Room for Reviews
Never overlook the power of reviews. Did you know that 88% of online shoppers hold a positive perception about online reviews? In other words, a majority of online shoppers trust website reviews hence any of their purchasing decision is influenced by the same. What does this tell you? It is a simple indicator that with reviews, making high sales is a given possibility.
When designing your site, leave a slot under each product where customers can drop their reviews. encourage customers to write review, whether bad or good. Good reviews will attract more prospects to your site hence boosting your sales ultimately. Bad reviews, on the other hand, will challenge you to seal the existing loopholes and make the necessary improvements to your products.
Send Cart Abandonment Emails
Baymard Institute found out that the average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate stood at 68.81%.
What should you do in a case where a cart has been abandoned? Do you just ignore that? Of course not. You should send cart abandonment emails to your leads as a way of bringing them back. It is recommended that you send 2 cart abandonment emails in a day. Statistics indicate that doing so will help in increasing cart abandonment revenue by 50%.
Besides, you should also strive to understand the various reasons why shoppers are abandoning their orders and work to correct them. For instance, a study conducted found out that 27% of US online shoppers have abandoned an order in the past quarter solely due to a too long/complicated checkout process.
Do more Marketing
Marketing has never been enough. In as much as your aim is keeping a constant increase in sales, marketing must come in handy. You must opt for tools that have the capacity to move your sales faster. GetResponse is an example of a marketing automation tool whose role is to help sellers get an increase in traffic and conversions.
The marketing tool that you choose should be in a position to help you beat competition easily by making your products outstanding. It should provide you with different avenues of reaching out to clients rather than presenting just one channel. For instance, the tool you choose should facilitate webinars, email marketing, autoresponders, and other avenues that can aid in fully exposing your products.
Also, remember to prioritize on content and apply best SEO practices. With ample marketing, it becomes easy to increase sales from your site.
Increasing sales from your site can be easy or hard depending on how you go about it. The approach you opt for matters in determining your performance now and in the long run. The idea is focusing on solving customer issues in the easiest and most painless way possible. A defined path is also highly recommended for the purpose of certainty.