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Why should you study Vedic Science?

Early Indian scriptures like the Vedas, attempted to systematize ancient sciences, which are known as Vedic Sciences.

Why should you study Vedic Science?

Thursday January 18, 2018 , 2 min Read

Early Indian scriptures like the Vedas, attempted to systematize ancient sciences, which are known as Vedic Sciences. The Vedic civilization is even believed to have been at a much higher level of development as compared to our current modern society. Vedic studies in many educational institutions in India aim to popularize Vedic knowledge by infusing this knowledge into modern methods of teaching, such as through seminars, lectures and projects. 


Studying from an institute that offers Vedic education allows a lot of scope for interdisciplinary learning. Students can choose from subjects that offer to learn from Vedic texts related to history, philosophy, religious studies, theology, anthropology, psychology, ethics, design, ecosystem, dance, film and yoga. Such programs enable their students to succeed in their area of work as they have an advantage of the knowledge imbibed from studying Vedic Sciences integrated with modern education and technology. Students, who have been a part of a Vedic education system, are more likely to experience a holistic development that takes them far in whatever career path they choose to embark on.

The way a course is structured in a Vedic education system also differs from a regular system of learning. There are three levels at which learning takes place. There are subjective knowledge, objective knowledge and meta-knowledge. Subjective knowledge teaches one about self, it is useful as it promotes wellness and peace in an individual, makes them better leaders and affords them with better social organization skills. 

Objective knowledge has to do with knowledge of nature, which is helpful in teaching one about physical sciences, engineering and technology. Lastly, meta-knowledge imparts learning related to codifying, articulating and processing which are used to study math, logic, linguistics, automation and computer science.

Both Vedic Science and Modern Science have their merits. In today’s world, where the environment is increasingly competitive, everyone is seeking to develop qualities that give them an edge over their counterparts. In this scenario, Vedic Sciences could be the path to choose, as it combines the best learning from our shastras with the technological expertise of today, making a student equipped to face any challenge of the modern world.

Knowledge of relevant aspects of Vedic Sciences is increasingly being valued in various mainstream careers in the areas of multi-disciplinary R&D, education and consultancy.