How much does it cost to develop an on-demand food delivery app?
No app development company can give an exact number for app development as it varies depending on a host of factors. Here, we have given valuable information for business owners who wish to know how much an on-demand food delivery app can cost and where does the money go!
The On-demand food delivery market in USA alone is worth more than 22,000m. With no signs of slowing down, Statista expects it to double in size in 2022. With a bright future ahead, many food and beverage establishments are looking to eat a slice of this pie.
Always on the lookout for a reputed and trusted mobile app or website development partner which can take their business ‘online’ give it a digital boost! Mobile app development is a huge field and thus can sometimes intimidate business owners who may not know every little detail.
Dahmakan, a healthy food delivery start up in Malaysia is a prime example of a business powered by mobile app. Success of such mobile apps depends on how well the UI and UX are constructed.
Having supervised on-demand food delivery app development with multiple F&B brands, I want to shed some light on how much a food delivery app will cost and how it can take your business to the next level!
What are the Different Stages of App Development?
1. Discovery/Research stage: Most of the time spent here for the business owner and the development firm goes in understanding the requirement and looking at different ways to fulfill the same. Creating the wireframe, adding prospective features and showcasing what the app will have is all carried out in this stage.
Cost weightage: This stage is usually the ‘curtain raiser’ for the main event which is the design and development part. Development firms consider a 10 to 15% of the entire project cost which takes into considering the number of hours put in by the Business Analysts and Project Managers.
2. App Design (UI): Once everything is decided and the business owner is happy with the wireframe, the next stage is to design the app and showcase how it will look. Designing the app screen, establishing a walk-through presentation of how the user will experience the design element plays a huge part. In this stage, the business owner will get the first look of the mobile app.
Cost weightage: Design being an integral part of the app holds a great deal of cost. Depending on how many designers are working on the UI part, one can expect 25 to 30% of the total app required to fulfil the design element.
3. App Development (UX): Perhaps the make or break stage of any mobile application journey, the development stage is where the food business owner will get the first look into how the app will be used. Designing the code, implementing the important features needed for delivery apps etc. is all done in this stage.
Cost weightage: Just like app design, the development stage also holds its importance and thus one can expect a similar 25 to 30% of the total cost invested in paying the developers working on the app.
5. Testing and QA: Once the developers have put in the code, it is sent over to the app testers who will scrutinize the code and look for possible bugs and mistakes. A good firm will also let a beta version of the app tested by the Quality Assurance team to be extra cautious about the app.
Cost weightage: For a food delivery app, the testing includes not only the code but also some of the payment and geolocation features which have been integrated. One can expect a good 15 to 20% of the total cost as dedicated cost reserved for the QA testers!