Decoding Success
Understanding the basic meaning.
“What is success? What makes a person successful? How do we identify success?What are the manifestation of success? And how do we know we’ve arrived?”

These were the question asked in the book You can win by Shiv Khera.
Well, Everyone wants to be successful, I don’t think there’s anyone I know who doesn’t wish to be. The exhilarating point comes when you ask the definition of this “term” from different individuals. Listing down few of the most vapid expression we get to hear:
When I know I am doing better than my companions- Winning the race is success
When people know me by my name- Fame and Power is success
When I have so much wealth that I don’t rethink during shopping- Money is success
There were other denotation as well, the personal ones:
Success is being the best parent/partner- A Happy Family is success
Contributing to the society & making an impact in the society- Satisfaction along with Peace of mind is success.
One thing I’ve concluded after hearing so many responses is that Success is not just another term but a feeling and an emotion. When you get happy, you experience it, and similarly SUCCESS it’s assuredly a feeling that you feel from within.
Sometimes, people may tell you that you’re successful but you still feel vexed well, that’s because we never arrive there. Success is an ongoing process. It’s not a destination but a journey with no end.
As written by Earl Nightingale- “ Success is the progressive relationsation of a worthy goal”. I believe a feeling of happiness and contentment of doing something right somehow indicates success substantially.
Talking about the key, I don’t think there’s any except for the hard work as success is no accident but a result of our own orientation.
Well, this is what success means to me but if I were to ask you, how would you define it? :)