Digital Marketing Industry has never comes down. The marketing strategies, social media channels, and customer acquiring tactics are constantly evolving. The rise of the social web has given birth to some channels to reach out the target audiences.
To stay in the competition, you need to be adaptive to the marketing trends that drive your organization success. Digital marketing has earned a lot of popularity, large scale businesses or small scale businesses benefiting from an online presence. They use to promote their services and products through different social media channels.
Here is our pick to foresee the digital marketing trends that will help them to grow and the impact the business with high returns:
1. High-Quality Content to remain the King: Content is always the King. Content marketing is the key towards your brand awareness, engagement, and recall. Content need to be interactive and to be in line how your target customers receive communication. You will still need a unique and quality content to do well in Google page ranking. The keywords will be more important that adding value to customers or users and giving them a right content so that they can find value with the brand.
In coming time, a lot of businesses will focus on Content marketing Strategies.
2. Social Media Marketing: In the last few years we have seen significant changes in social media landscape. Social media taking over all other marketing campaigns. Facebook is having millions of users and coming with new ways of advertising on videos (like YouTube) that will look to take away a market share in that category from the largest video-sharing websites.
Also large and medium size businesses will look to share high quality content on Facebook live events that help to stay on the front wave and are going to see better ROIs.
3. Behavioral Email marketing (listens and Deliver): Digital Marketing has come with another marketing strategy i.e. listen to customer and provide a solution. Behavioral Marketing is the action of your site visitors that impose what email they receive or which ad they see.
Instead of guessing what marketing message is send to lead, the marketer will deliver only what customers ask for.
4. Search Engine Optimization (or Organic Search): SEO Strategies will be much important for marketing campaigns. SEO is a game where your business stays one step ahead from your competitors. Google announced about the mobile index and AMP. We have seen the huge rise of AMPs since September 2016 when Google is starting to favor sites that has switched over to AMPs.
5. Online PR: Online PR is totally linked with the digital marketing communication techniques in particular Social Media, SEO, Content Marketing, and Viral Marketing/Word-of-mouth.
It can be a great, low cost technique for making people aware of your brands and websites, but it require a lot of hard work to attract audiences.