Mathematics - the most hated subject by the kids
There is no denying the fact that the most hated subject in the world by the kids in none other than Mathematics. In fact, it is the most logical and the most systematic subject of the world. This subject not only makes our life orderly and well managed but also prevent us from getting stuck in chaos. This subject is the one which opens and expands the horizons of our minds by developing the strong power of reasoning, spatial thinking, abstract and problem-solving ability. Be it any engineer or any farmer, a shopkeeper or any carpenter, a musician or any scientist, a tourist or even a housewife, everyone needs this subject in their daily lives in one way or another without which they cannot carry on their work.

Scientists have conducted various research and surveys and have come to the conclusion that maths can be made enjoyable and easier to study if the course curriculum includes fun loving activities, games and fun quizzes. The young minds can become alert, attentive and open-minded if being exposed to maths riddles and puzzles which actually help them to develop precise thinking.
Emphasis should be made on the basis of concepts and how to teach them to children, not to just give away notes of formulas and tell them to just learn them.
If a teacher becomes unable to teach maths properly, then the kids develop sort of phobia in their minds which keeps on getting deeper as the child progresses and promotes to higher classes. In this case, the teacher must be recommended to use creative flowcharts, diagrams, pictures, models or even charts as far as possible. The home tutor or the concerned teacher must also be very patient and disciplined which answering the queries of the kids. Sometimes, the teacher might find any asked question to be a silly one, which would definitely make him annoyed.
However, the tutor must learn how to keep such annoyance besides, and to answer the sillier questions calmly. It must be kept in mind that most of the students take lots of time while understanding mathematical concepts. So, keeping this point in mind, the demand for patience becomes natural. Moreover, the major reason why kids hate maths is that they do not like to practice and solve many questions at a time. Well, no need to worry about this.
Give them their time, and tell them to practice at least 10 problems on daily basis from different books or reference materials.
The teacher can also encourage a student to explain the concepts to his fellow peers in front of the whole class in order to get deeper insights on the topic and become more confident. This technique really helps the students to stay focused in the classrooms and not to get indulged in stupid talks.
Now is the time of skill development, personality development, and sharpness which requires smart work not hard work.
All you need is to stay focused on the goals and start doing more and more practice and you will be amazed to see that you have actually fallen in love with this hated subject.