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Android 8.0 Orellete (maybe not Oreo) stated to be declared on August 21

Android 8.0 Orellete (maybe not Oreo) stated to be declared on August 21

Monday August 21, 2017 , 1 min Read

The search giant has made a decision to tie the launching of its second version of Android into the solar panel.Hire Android Developers

A Google teaser using the document title GoogleOreo_Teaser_0817_noDroids (1). Mp4 was temporarily available on G+, agreeing to Android O's marketplace name.

Well, with less than 24 hours left before the official show, a fresh rumor points into a totally different naming for your Android O. Cliff Wade, client service director for Nova Launcher, asserts the title of Google's next iterative cellular platform will likely be Android 8.0 development services

He asserts the data comes from a source that would like to stay anonymous, but he does appear certain that Google won't name its newest OS Android Oreo, as previously indicated by numerous escapes.

Orellete is a form of sweet Catalan pastries which are usually served in weddings. It is uncertain why would Google select this title within the Oreo, but it may have something to do with the company that produces the favorite biscuits.hire android app developer india
