Often we have some extra space in our house which we would gladly use for a commercial purpose. However, not having proper knowledge about the same can be extremely frustrating and may even force you to land in a deal which is not profitable enough. Here we bring you five ways in which you can earn some money from the extra space you have.
Air BnB-If you are amongst those people who are mostly traveling then you can rent out your flat, apartment or condo to tourists for a few days. For that, you would have to first register as an Air BnB host and tell them all about the property that you are putting up for rent. Not only that you can even personally approve the guests that show interest in your property. If handled carefully being an Air BnB host can earn you loads of money provided you take care of all the things correctly.
Public storage- The extra space you have at home can be rented out to people who have some stuff which they would like to store away from home. This especially holds true who have limited space available in their homes and would love to get some of the items stored elsewhere. You might have to advertise your public storage to get maximum takers but stay away from frauds and their likes.
Parking space- In metros there is always space constraint to park vehicles. Moreover, in cases, a person has more than one vehicle he is forced to park his other vehicle elsewhere. If you have abundant parking space you can use it to your advantage and share it with an individual who is feeling the crunch of space. However, only give your parking space to someone who you know fairly well enough as trusting a newbie can be cause for further troubles for you.
Garden- Often people who have the adventurous streak in them want a quiet garden where they can set up a camp and enjoy some nights of solitude. If your house is in a place which is remote and would serve the purpose you can go ahead and rent it out. Go through the right channels and already decide the terms and conditions on the basis of which space will be rented out. This is to avoid any miscreant from trying to creep in your location.
Room renting- In case you have a room which is slightly aloof and you are willing to share it with another person then that would also be a good idea. In the USA these services are commonly known as storage units rental service. There are college going students or new job starters who want cheap accommodation and you can get one who would match your requirements. A background check is a must in this case and that should definitely be done in this case.
So, if you are thinking that the extra space in your home is getting wasted stop worrying. Use any of the above ideas to start minting money and rest assured a steady income would be there coming for you.