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Top five apps for your samsung gear smartwatch

Top five apps for your samsung gear smartwatch

Saturday April 08, 2017 , 3 min Read

Samsung has several smartwatches, such as Samsung Galaxy Gear or Gear Live. Today announces that it has already reached the 1,000 apps to be used in its smartwatches, and recommends five of them. A good opportunity to see how smartwatch (Wearable Gadgets) apps are, and what they can offer us.



How many glasses of water do you drink each day? Doctors advise drinking between 1.5 and 2 liters per day.With Drink Water, you can take the account from your Samsung smartwatch. Simply indicate the type of glass or bottle you use, to determine its capacity, and notify you every time you drink a glass.

Drink Water warns you if you do not reach the minimum recommended amount per day, and offers weekly statistics, so you know if you have hydrated enough.


Thanks to the biometric sensors installed in the different smartwatches from Samsung, you can make numerous measurements when you exercise, or just walk.

Runtastic is undoubtedly one of the best fitness apps out there. With the version for smartwatch you can get information on the speed you run, distance, time spent, pulse, altitude, and calories spent.

All this information can be uploaded to the Runtastic cloud and processed later from your smartphone or computer to get statistics, diet and exercise tips, and other helps to stay in shape and take care of your health.


The care and vigilance of a baby are the highest priority in the family environment. Babysitting is a Samsung smartwatch app that works in conjunction with a smartphone in the Samsung Galaxy range.

The smartphone records the baby, so you can see it on the screen of your Samsung Gear watch whenever you want.

Also if you place the smartphone next to the cradle while the child sleeps, you can measure the level of decibels (noise). When the crying or whining reaches the level you indicate, the smartwatch will vibrate to warn you.

4. GEAR 2048

Samsung smartwatches from the Gear range can also be used to play. Do not expect the latest in video games, but simple and fun titles such as Gear 2048.

It is an intelligence game in which you have to match numbers, but with each pair, these numbers are added together. That is, if you pair 1 and 1, then you have to match 2 and 2, 4 and 4, etc. The goal is to reach 2048.

Sliding your finger on the screen, you will move the boxes until the same numbers are touched.

An entertaining game always at the distance of your wrist, to have fun anywhere.


Traveling abroad is a problem if you do not know English or the language of the destination country. Luckily, with a Samsung smartwatch and Travel Translator, the problem is solved.

Simply bring the clock to your mouth and pronounce a sentence. The smartwatch will convert it to text and translate it into the language of your choice, so you can show it to the person you want to communicate with.

Look for all these apps, and 995 more, in the Samsung Store of your smartwatch Gear.