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Top six tips you should know to optimize your blog content for SEO

Top six tips you should know to optimize your blog content for SEO

Thursday March 30, 2017 , 3 min Read

(Optimize your blog content for SEO)

(Optimize your blog content for SEO)

If you are a blogger, or if you own a blogging website, or if you pay people to write blogs for you, the one thing you know by now is that the pay increases when the traffic increases, the traffic increases when the blog becomes popular, the blog becomes popular when you have better positioning on the results page of a search engine, and you have a better positioning when the content improves, and finally the content improves when you know what the readers want.

You can know what you want, what audience do you want to cater to, what your content will be, but the ultimate goal is to reach more people and for that you need to follow the following; in fact chances are if you adhere to these you will be placed better by SEO company in Mumbai, where the hub is:

1. Know the know-how, do better research: 

What bloggers often fail to do is concentrate on areas like research. It is one thing to be confident in one’s knowledge, but another to neglect the potential for better in the market. Absorb this knowledge from intensive and exhaustive research, right from the demographics of your customers to their needs and wants and what are popular.

2. Use the social media platform: 

Take advantage of the free platform and the broadcasting features of social media platforms. Reach out about your blog to the world through these. Use them effectively and efficiently; two different words when applied practically give amazing results. Upload your stuff regularly.

3. Tag your images, or videos if you add them: 

Take an example of a website designing company in India. They themselves tell you to always upload an image with keywords in the file name and add a description about the image with the blog name and site. This was when and if the image surfaces on the web, there is a probability the image will be popular along with the blog.

4. Adding keywords is a must: 

The key is to know the adequate number for a blog. More usage of keywords confuses your customers and gets you penalized by Google. Lesser keywords make the content boring. Keywords make the content attractive, gives the readers the important points to remember and in all, act best for your SEO rankings.

5. Subscription offers: 

offer the users a chance to subscribe you via email, or mobile numbers. This way, they are regularly notified about a new upload or a new blog, or new content. The more they continue to read you; the more chances are they might just be an aid for word of mouth publicity.

6. Attach links when you mention others: 

Good blogging etiquettes include you mentioning and attaching links to names or sentences you use. It not only makes a good impression, but you might just get lucky and people may start mentioning you in their blogs and their mentions for references.