Is it okay to have no opinion?
How can you not have an opinion?”“You probably aren’t so sharp.” and what not..

“How can you not have an opinion?”
“You probably aren’t so sharp.”
“ Having no say prompts low confidence.”
I am sure you hear a lot of other things too when you decide to not interrupt in between a conversation.
Recently, I promised myself to become a good listener and being a human, speak about only those topics where I can really discern as I cannot know the whole nine yards. I decided to listen, absorb more and notice the behavior of the ones around me.
I do understand how having no opinion works well when you’re being intellectually idle and indecisive and even when we wish to not think seriously about a certain matter. But can an individual be an omniscient?
After my fact- finding, I found a perceptible behaviour in almost every second individual. Based on my analysis, I figured the following:
Half knowledge is dangerous- Often people start talking about subjects which they are not aware of which by the way, is perfectly fine. Improvising may turn right but sadly, most times it does not. I see people squalling randomly without adding any quality contribution to the conversation . What happens next? People end up not listening to you. (It’s almost like me giving my opinion about sports)
Tag of being; Win-it-all- Yes, it’s more of a competition here. People love to act like they have knowledge about each sphere. The whole idea of the discussion is usually to reveal that I know more facts than to focus on exchanging ideas and viewpoints. The one who speaks more, gets the tag.
Directly related to Ego- Another perceptible behaviour is associated with being stubborn and egoistic. If a person finds out he’s wrong he’d still continue with wrong facts just to save himself from the embarrassment. Concluded this after a conversation with a friend who supported no night outs for women. After giving out valid replies, the person still didn’t agree just because acceptance is too gawky, I believe.
Jack of all but master of none- My community groups are filled by instruction and advices from people. Arbitrary Topics along with futile opinions just to flaunt the knowledge of each sphere.
Don’t you think it would make more sense if a successful entrepreneur shared tips to grow a business rather than a politician or a sportsman? Anyone can come up and say you sing bad, but only a genuine musician can tell you what notes you got wrong.
I am definitely not being a whiner here but I just feel that it’s okay to not say anything when there’s limited understanding of the event and a desire to signal to the peers that they ostensibly care about the issue at hand.
The lord has blessed us all with a gift of talking. We must use it to express our opinions and feeling but I believe overusing it can lead to sad results.
I feel it’s normal to just listen and not give opinion sometimes , no one comes out as a wanker anyway. What do you think?