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Save Your Health- Health Services at your DoorStep

India's leading healthcare company providing healthcare services at your Doorstep.

Save Your Health- Health Services at your DoorStep

Tuesday July 26, 2016 , 5 min Read

Health is Wealth, without health there is no wealth. But people are so busy in their lives that they forget about their health checkups. Save Your Health is one of the leading start-ups from India in the healthcare company which provides all the healthcare services like home, nursing, private, sexual, urgent, primary, mental etc in the comfort of your home and it's currently available only in the pink city i.e Jaipur. I got the chance to take interview of Save Your Health CEO Mr.Rakesh Kumar. I was looking forward to an interesting conversation and that, I had.

What motivated you to start this venture?

I belong to a small family. I was always facing problems related to health-care. I lived for more than 6 years without my family. When I was living alone I was suffering from fever, I required some medical help, at that time but I didn’t get it and I was feeling frustrated. So I wanted to solve these problems. My mother & grand-mother always face these types of issues, So I think this emotional things, how we can handle. So decided to make a application, that solve these types of issues at home.

Why you want the execution of the idea of the startup?

The main concern was solve healthcare problem through technology, when idea discussed with some friends, families, teachers, doctors then they appreciate the idea, then we planned to developed a team for this project and started executing the idea.

<b>Save Your Health</b>

Save Your Health

What were your biggest hurdles or challenges while setting up this startup?

Starting from my venture, we are facing big problems like collect trained nurses, compounders, doctors, tutors, yoga instructors, etc and I belong to small family so every-time I am facing financial problem.

How did you managed to overcome the above mentioned hurdles?

As we started providing our services people started having trust on our venture and our development team developed this idea using open source technologies like python, django, mongodb etc. We also organize camp in schools, colleges, universities, companies for explore our services in city.

What are the traction details (like how many patients are using Save Your Health services)

Save Your Health is expanding soon with a greater pace of speed at presently we are having approx 1,000 patient every month with our 50 employees which include yoga instructors, tutors, nurses, doctors and physiotherapists.

How much amount of funding have you raised till now?

Currently we have not raised any funds, but we are talking with some investors for fund raising. After fund raising we will add more functionalities like NRI care, Health Insurance, Life Styles etc. Our Business model is strong and innovative so no doubt for fund raising, this type of protocol already implemented and established in USA, UK etc.

What are the future plans of this startup?

This startup is likely to expand its service across northern India and also in abroad. This bootstrapped start-up is likely to add more functionalities like Health insurance, NRI care, life styles etc. As a result of using our services patients will be having a healthy checkup, will be able to stay at their homes for longer, save money, and have a peace of mind. Currently we are operating in Jaipur and planning for Kota, Udaipur, Ajmer, Jodhpur, Alwar etc in Rajasthan (Population in 2015 : 74,791,568), Gurgaon, Kolkata, Jamshedpur then we will go aboard for giving our unique services.

Have you faced any failure throughout the journey? If yes, then do share it because failure has a lot to teach.

Yes at the starting time only I started facing failures. While I was trying building my core team, no-one took it serious. They laugh on me. But, I don't hesitate, and was working hard. So I decided that believe on yourself and do hard work with dedication is the only mantra for success.

Is there anything, you would like to share which you think, can inspire or motivate people?

I would like to share only one of my quote for young people:

"The secret of success is that have patience and do hard work with dedication, you can achieve your dreams"

About Save Your Health Team

No idea can be implemented without the support of team, I would like to thank all the team members for their support in executing my idea. We had a team of fifty members. All medical team members has experienced on their own fields. Mr. Rohit Parashar is currently managing director of Save Your Health. I, Mr. Rakesh Kumar is the CEO of Save Your Health. I am 23 year old and have more than two year industrial experience in Python Programming Language and published 20 research papers in different International Journal and National Conferences. I am also a member of the IACSIT, SCIEI, UACEE, IAENG and CSTA as well as RHCSA, RHCE, MCP and IBM DB2 Certified. My research interests includes Cloud Computing, Big data, Hadoop, NoSQL and NewSQL.