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How to create the perfect business model

Before starting the business

Sunday October 16, 2016 , 2 min Read

I am an electrical engineer by education. By implication, I worship Nikola Tesla and I despise Thomas Edison but that has nothing to do with this story.

It is said that Tesla had an IQ of 200. It is also said that he invented devices in his mind. What I mean by that is he could visualise a concept, run it in his mind, test for errors, fix the errors, rerun it until it works perfectly and fabricate it, all in his mind. Only when his mind gave him the proof of concept did he start working on the invention physically. Now, this was the inventor of AC. If you're an engineer and have taken the course on BEE in the first semester, you can understand the greatness of his mind.

Now, coming to the point I am trying to make. Tesla had an IQ of 200. Less than 0.01% of people on this planet have that. Less than 0.01% of the people have the capability to run a theoretical model of an experiment in their heads, given it only involves devices that have high predictability as for their behaviour, for example the resistor and capacitor. 

Now, you are trying to formulate a business model before starting the business. You, with your IQ of less than 130(I am statistically 95% correct), are trying to run an experiment in your head which involves people(which have little to no predictability). I am a 100% sure, statistically or otherwise, that you'd never be able to create a perfect business model without actually trying it out on field. 

Before building a business model(let alone a perfect business model), build a business. Leave your jobs, work full time on your startup, fix the errors you encounter, be persistent. Building a perfect business is a prerequisite for building a perfect business model. All the best.

If you're ever faced with an investor who wants a cost-benefit analysis that costs more than the benefit itself, show him the door.