The startup which went straight up without venture capital. A farmer of IT who has both strong legs and a reason to run.
An inspiring journey of Technology Farmer and Social Entrepreneur -from Leased second hand Pentium PC to 6K Sq. ft. Head Office without venture capital support.
Here is an exciting story about man who considers himself a farmer in IT field and at the same time equally compassionate about the society which he is part of and willing to help every bit that he can. At the age of 34, he could achieve what most of the people of his age may not even dream of. Starting from the scratch with zero capital and no funding support from any venture capitalist, he began taking up small customized software programming work in local market in Rajkot, India. Though bread and butter was getting secured in short span of time, with this customized work, but his energy was getting drained and talent wasted , realized this little Genius, that Bhavin is. His vision was not to be limited to this basic survival process but to build a multi-dimensional tech corporation and leverage technology for larger social wellness. Thus one fine day, he decided not to accept any customized work which is more time consuming and not having multiplier effect in terms of economy of scale and therefore counterproductive to his bigger vision. Instead, he started focusing on product based innovation and developments so that bigger revenue and market share can be captured with the same amount of efforts and thus can leverage his time for using the technology for solving bigger social issues. As a creative person, Bhavin understands the power of the fresh Ideas and thoughts and when such ideas get support from enabling partner in the form of technology, one does not get surprised to see wonders that Multiicon is producing. Bhavin is firm believer in the power of idea and technology that can change the lives of individuals and society alike. Many of the products created by Multiicon are testimony to what Mr. Bhavin calls it now ‘Ideotechnology’. He is the reason for bringing smiles on the faces of more than 40 families as part of his team rather Multiicon family. Technology is creeping in more and more in our daily lives with every passing day and whether we like it or not, we will not be able to resist it anymore before it becomes mandatory part of our daily life. With the sharp edged technology getting better and effective every day, there comes its pitfalls and threats that endanger many of our social values. Society may fall prey to the unscrupulous and ill-intentioned monsters if not aware about its ills. Thus social entrepreneurs and tech wizard like Mr. Bhavin should be applauded at every possible platform including the ‘Your Story’ so that many more young talents get inspired to not just excel but to also think from socially beneficial angle to whatever they do. Few of the area in where he already leveraged or plans to leverage power of “Ideotechnology’’ (Idea + Technology) to address few of our social ills (for more you may visit ‘Press’ section of the website www.multiicon.in)
Technology for cyber-crime prevention:
Have a look at the YouTube video from the link below and you will understand how he helped Gujarat Police in tracking down few of the people related to bomb blast in Mumbai.
Not only that, he further developed what is called ‘’Cyber Indicator’’ to track all the activities from any cyber café across the country. If highlighted though your story and bring to the attention of the Government Authorities, it can be very useful tool in the hands of Law Enforcement Agencies in monitoring and regulating the activities of fringe elements who invariably use cyber café to spread threat and other negative propaganda and information.
Free of Cost Security App for Home and Office – Watchman
Have a look at the link to the application in Google play store below.
It’s a free of cost application which is effective for the security of home and office. In order to create, healthy society, people should have basic peace of mind and sense of safety. Watchman is your virtual techno-guard who will ensure that your property and belonging are secured whether you are around it or not.
Prevention of RAPE through Ideotechnology.
Yes, you heard it right. Rape can be prevented with the Ideotechnology that Mr. Bhavin is talking about. Remember Nirbhaya case in Delhi and many more heinous crimes against women? While many of us must have marched on the street of Delhi to protest and all of our news channels would have used such incidents to increase their decibel levels and resultant TRPs, One person sitting somewhere in city of Rajkot was pained and thought of solutions so that no other Nirbhaya is killed. That is Mr. Bhavin for you. He has developed the conceptual framework and Ideotechnology which he appropriately calls ‘’Brahmastra’’ with the help of which relevant authorities can be notified much before incidents like rape are about to occur. Surely, it can be proved ‘’Brahmastra’’ in the hands of millions of helpless women members of our society. One of the main reasons why I thought of writing this story about Mr. Bhavin is to highlight this particular endeavor of his which will be right solution for burning issue that we face today as a society. Mr. Bhavin, having developed this ‘’Brahmastra’’ and decided that he wants to help and serve all the vulnerable daughters, sisters, and mothers by offering this product FREE OF COST to Government of India, he wants to route it through right channels and does not want any private parties to manipulate his idea for their personal advantage and deprive the benefits to those who need them the most but can’t afford to pay. His only concern is this ‘’Brahmastra’’ should not be misfired or should land in the hands of wrong people. Let’s hope that luck of millions of Nirbhayas knock the doors of PMO and this project sees the light of the day. In the meantime, I humbly request you to publish his story on PRIORITY so that his efforts gets highlighted as soon as possible and his wait for PMO appointment gets over. As for me, it will be a kind of consolation and satisfaction that though I could not take part in the protest march for Nirbhaya, I could somewhere point my finger towards the solution that may help and bless every women of my country.
‘’Donate Saturday Campaign’’
Have a look at the link below
Like ‘’Swatch Bharat Abhiyan’’, this can be another awareness campaign which if highlighted at proper platform, can change the way common people can help society. Thought at primitive stage, this project has potential to trigger and unleash unlimited societal synergy and channelize energy of common men into a huge movement. It will help increase the awareness and compassion among the people towards the less privileged section of our society and do the social justice which has not been achieved even after more than six decades of independence.
Free Educational Applications:
Bhavin and his company, Multiicon has developed many of the educational applications like ‘’EVERYDAY ENGLISH’’, ‘’ I SPEAK’’, ‘’KG2PG’’ and offered them free of cost on Android Store for the benefits of society at large. Though, he does not need inspiration to do more for the society, highlighting his contribution in your story may motivate him further to do more in this direction.
I am sure, you would like to meet Mr. Bhavin, the Young Techno-social Entrepreneur of today’s modern tech savvy India and motivate and highlight his efforts and passion to rest of the world through your story.
Thank you in advance to cover this story (if you think fit).
You may contact Mr. Bhavin on +91-9825551889 or [email protected] or visit him at Multiicon, third floor, Rumi Plaza, Air Port Road, Rajkot. (Gujarat – India) or simply visit http://www.multiicon.in

Reception area of Multiicon Head Office @ Rajkot, Gujarat, India