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What are the latest trends in Wearable Technology?

What are the latest trends in Wearable Technology?

Thursday December 08, 2016 , 4 min Read

Wearable technology is the one of the biggest innovations in recent times. Having smart wearable devices take care of many different aspects of your life and these are becoming increasing popular and a key part of our life like the smartphones. No wonder they replace smartphones in near future to provide a more convenient way of communication in day to day life. The latest trends in Wearable has subsequent impacts on the IoT, Data Science, Big Data Analytics & Cloud advancements.

Wearable technology is relevant to multiple industries and providing a different user experience and solution aspects to the respective industry or domain.

Industries  utilizing Wearable Devices

Industries  utilizing Wearable Devices

Healthcare, Fitness, Wellness Domain

These devices are getting more smarter day by day. Many healthcare companies are already working on the next set of features for such devices and making them more smart. There are many healthcare startups working to evolve the wearable healthcare and tracking devices for more connectivity between the consumers and the professionals. Gone are the day where you have to visit doctors for each and every small checkup. These devices hides a lot of complexity behind them and displays just the fun part which every user understand. We will be looking at many unique devices in near future replacing some other complex medical procedures. However these devices will keep facing the regulation challenges. But the adaptability is going to be increased slowly.


Before you ask me about how the wearables can help the logistics business, i would tell you a use case. One of my client is into a business of transportation of expensive commodities, that includes the antics and many other expensive items that businesses orders and those have to be shipped overseas, countrywide or locally. They have a very big fleet of vehicles and everytime they assign the vehicle to a new driver, there are always been a problem of assigning the right key, getting into the right truck and getting the right parcel loaded to the right truck and then the overall tracking of the fleet. This has been solved with a wearable locket and a sensor enabled keychain that pairs the keys+driver+truck at the same time and automate this assignment. There is no manual intervention. So everything gets assigned, tracked and listed on the cloud system automatically. Wearables use is increasing in logistics for many other use cases and it will keep going.

Manufacturing Industry

Industrial IoT is the latest trends and that has generated a lot of requirements for the wearable devices with different sensors that can be used by the workers. This is one of the best area where wearable can provide more help in managing the overall industry and generating a lot of data to evaluate the performance or keyfactors later. This is evolving rapidly.

Military or Security Agencies

This is another area which makes a very serious business case for the wearable technology. Smart glasses, smart watches, sensor enabled rings, smart helmets are becoming increasingly popular among the security troops and they becomes a very light aid for the users in combat, they do not have to carry heavy equipment to track something or to get in sync with the team.

Personalized Tracking

This is a big area where the healthcare, fitness companies are targeting as it has a very huge consumer base. People are very conscious about their health, exercises and their daily routine. There are more personal devices coming into market that will help people generate their daily reports, help them in getting their day to day life tracked and aligned. Get alarmed for upcoming health issues and much more. Its becoming and will be a more convenient way to connect with their doctors in realtime and doctors should be able to view reports of their patients in realtime, instead of admitting them and keeping them in observations even if its not needed. This has becoming a new trend in IoT and called “Connected Healthcare”.

Fashion & Entertainment

This is another industry about to be explored, the recent trends will bring in the wearable devices within these industry, there are already smartwatches and smart glasses there. There are advancements of having the smart glasses that changes their lenses and lens color based on the events. Designers are coming up with new ways of integrating the wearable in the dresses they design taking care of some smart combination of fashion and technology for example shirts having sensor enabled collars that sense the temperature and adjust the inner temperature of the fabric for body, becoming more warmer if its cold out there and vice versa.

Types of Wearable Devices

Types of Wearable Devices

Types of Wearable Devices

Companies are launching and will keep launching the wearable devices in different forms.

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