People are going smarter with smart phone, android/iOS
Nowadays human kind cannot breathe without technology. They cannot imagine their life without modern technology which has become an essential part of the daily living. Computer, tablets and smartphones are the part of technology which is used by us regularly.
“The science of today is technology tomorrow.” Technology is rapidly endorsing globally in our life. Nowadays human kind cannot breathe without technology. They cannot imagine their life without modern technology which has become an essential part of the daily living. Computer, tablets and smart phones are the part of technology which is used by us regularly.

“Smartphones control us with assistance and provides us guidelines for right and wrong.” Smartphone is also a part of technology. Today smartphone have made people smarter nowadays by giving lots of facilities and guidance. Besides making phone calls a smartphone like android/iOS helps in taking picture, listening music, providing direction through maps and keep track with the contact and notes.
Earlier cell phones were kept for texts and calls but smartphones present several features of communication via social networking like face book and whatsapp, LinkedIn, twitter, Skype; IM, email, video calling. Communication has become faster and smarter because of smartphones like Android and iOS.
Earlier we used to do web browsing at desk of office in PC and sometimes wireless networks were available in laptops in our home or office but advanced technology has changed our lifestyle. Wireless broad band and internet connection is available in smartphone nowadays. Today people can use web and internet service in their android phone where ever they go like park, car, road, etc. Even smartphone helps in surfing high definition videos and playing online or offline games via your mobile applications.
For daily using device merger you need some of the things to carry with you for your business activity or daily living. They are PDA, your cell phone, an e-book reader, MP3 player, GPS device and a camera but if you have an Android or iOS smartphone with you then, you can experience a high definition touch sensitive screen which will act as your cell phone with all the functionality you carry with you.
Nowadays tons of applications are present in your smartphone through which we can get number of facilities. In an Android and iOS smartphone there are game applications, social networking apps, security apps, mobile payment apps, e-commerce apps, educational apps, medical apps etc.
Nowadays playing with a button can give you everything you need for your daily living. For example, you can book a movie ticket, sitting at your home via your smartphone. People believe in less effort; smart act. Modern era is leading a busy and hectic lifestyle where they do not have much time but technology has helped people with the fast service in every step of life.
Today for taking a medical appointment online booking can be done; you do not have to go to the hospital or clinic for fixing appointment with a doctor. Nowadays, security has become question for ladies. Android mobile has helped us with some applications like, “With U” apps and the use of this application is made for the security of ladies.

UBER and OLA Booking Apps
There are vehicle booking apps like ‘Uber’ and ‘Ola’. These apps help in booking vehicles via your smart phone when there is scarcity of transport mode in your place. Smartphone has made the life of people easier which is stress free.
Research has been done and it has shown that 50% of users of iOS and Android smartphone lead an easy and smarter lifestyle then the simple cell phone users. Creation of flexible apps is involved with mobile application development. Number of mobile apps has grown the strength of android and iOS. These helped people in developing their plans and everyday work in a smarter way using intellect.
Smartphones have made people advanced and it tends to make people smarter than earlier days. Today people are less concern to do any work because technology has given a huge platform with diverse criteria.
We are standing in an era where the entire task can be done in a smart way using smartphones like Android and iOS. There are number of IT and software companies who develop smart mobile apps for todays.

Eclipse Technoconsulting Global Pvt. Ltd is a leading mobile app development company in India who has a motto: “Technology to create a better sun of life”. ETS leads in developing number of mobile apps for iOS and Android smartphone.