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5 Reasons Every College Student Should Consider Studying Abroad

5 Reasons Every College Student Should Consider Studying Abroad

Monday January 29, 2018 , 4 min Read


Have you ever considered how far you are willing to go to better your studies? Every year, over a million students from around the globe, get to study outside their home countries. Studying abroad could be a life-changing experience for a student; it makes you see that there is a whole lot more out there. Institutions are not left behind in this and have special programs for students wanting to study abroad as it is an international experience for the students.

Below are reasons why you should consider studying abroad:

1. See the World

The sky is the limit. The best reason when thinking about studying abroad is getting that opportunity to see the world. You get to explore the diversity of a different country, with different customs and activities. The benefits of studying abroad are that students get to see the new territories, natural marvels and the landmarks of the host nation. They get a chance to see how life is in that part of the world.

2. New Culture


The chance of experiencing different cultures is invaluable

This opportunity prepares you for the participation in the global 21st century. The chance of experiencing different cultures is invaluable. You get a better understanding and appreciation of cultures, enabling you to see things in a different perspective. Traveling as a tourist gives students a chance to participate in the day to day life of the locals. Some students create bonds with the locals that last a lifetime. Furthermore, the students sometimes are amazed to discover that they have so much in common than they initially thought, or are entirely different as day and night.

3. Language Skill

This is an opportunity for students to learn a new language. It creates career opportunities when you know a foreign language. It can seem to be dull or difficult when learning a foreign language in class. What better way to do it than to travel and study abroad. It will be an exciting and fun way to learn quickly. You get to dive in and improve your foreign language skills because you get to interact with the locals on a day to day life. You also learn their local common language and local slang.

4. Self Discovery


Traveling abroad to study is a great push out of your comfort zone

Finding yourself on your own in a foreign country brings out an independence nature to you. Over the years, you will discover that it helped you in leaving your parents shell and gradually becoming proactive. It is a great way to push you out of your comfort zone. It can be a bit challenging at times as it tests you how well you can adapt to diverse situations. Students learn to explore on their own, discovering new and exciting cultures. It is there that you learn new skills, develop a hobby or find a passion.

5. An Impressive Resume

Screenshot of an impressive resume

As a student, you will quickly discover that when you study abroad, it has its advantages. A report suggests that 80% of the students who study abroad adapted to a new environment efficiently. When you write you studied abroad for some time, it gives you an edge over other applicants. Do not write funny process analysis essay topics in your CV. Instead, you can think of ways to enhance your career by seeking internships in your host country. Some students get attached when visiting a new country and decide to relocate and find work there. When returning to your country, you are coming back with a new language skill, a new perspective on culture, a new appreciation of different cultures and an eagerness to learn. These are attractive skills for future employers. You find that having an additional language in your resume gives an added advantage as you can converse with other people from around the world.


Step out of your comfort zone. Do not be afraid to take advantage of such opportunities as you do not know where they will land you and what they will do for your future career. If that door opens, take it and let it take you to horizons you never thought possible!