How to avoid negativity at the workplace
Every workplace comes with its own set of opportunities, trials and tribulations. Therefore, it becomes core responsibility of every organisation to prepare their employees to swiftly grasp on opportunities and handle odds in a calm yet professional manner. Today, amidst multiple complexities, most challenging is the one that causes a complete breakdown of the organisation; this commonly occurs when negativity creeps in the hearts and minds of employees.
People assume that negativity in a workplace is often veiled, but that is not always the case. There are a few tell-a-tale signs which demonstrate the presence of resentment and acrimony among employees. Drastic decrease in productivity is one of the biggest signs of negativity sapping the life out of your company. Negativity also comes into picture largely through grapevines and colleagues exhibiting passive aggression towards one another. This not only results in an environment which is gloomy and conflicting but also takes massive toll over peace amongst employees.
In situations where you feel negativity is crippling your organisation, here are a few ways in which you can restore the positivity and good faith among employees.
Workplaces which are brimming with joy and enthusiasm are built on a framework of positivity and equality. Your office policies must enforce a healthy and helpful attitude towards all its employees. There should also be protocol in- place (a separate division entailing a team of experts) to deal with the negativity if and when it squirms into the organisation.
Organisations should always be at the forefront to ensure crystal clear communication across hierarchies. Even in situations where employees disagree with one another, there should be a system in place which encourages honest yet respectful communication. Colleagues should share information, opinions and feedback within their teams as it creates a positive environment of trust and goodwill.
Employees feel dejected and unsatisfied in an organisation when the top management doesn’t deem them worthy of respect and value. In order to improve that, employers must ask for inputs and opinions of employees when making decisions or changes that could possibly affect them. Employers must give continuous attention to employees and treat them with respect and fairness as ‘happy employees often lead to satisfied customers’.
Individuals must have a positive outlook towards problems that arise in the workplace. Instead of complaining and bickering about the issue, one must try to find an appropriate solution. There can also be moments where an employee feels wronged by another colleague; in such situations, ensure to be proactive to deal with negativity in a manner that improves the situation instantly.
This is a novel way to eliminate negativity from your workplace and metamorphosis it into a beautiful and joyous environment to work in. Be kind, loving and patient with people around you and focus on their positive characteristics. Performing random acts of kindness will help individuals feel exuberant and drastically transform their surrounding into a blissful haven.
This article is contributed by Ms. Kavita Nigam, GM, HR, Publicity & Promotions, Karam Industries.