Taking the RIGHT decision at the RIGHT time – Career Counselling
It was believed that career counselling were only for people who are looking for a career/job change. But what people didn’t question was WHY? Why are people unhappy with their career choices?
I am amazed by the number of career choices the students have. Today, we are working in jobs that didn’t even exist 10-15 years ago. The US Department of Labour estimates that 65% of today’s school children will end up working in jobs that doesn’t exist currently. Years before, we relied on information snippets from our elders or would take up conventional career paths or we would take a decision under parental duress. But now, the density of career options we have, have left us confused like never before! So, how do we cope now? Career Counselling?
A recent study has shows that 6 in 10 students are not happy with the stream they are studying and are dissatisfied which may lead to poor performance. Peer pressure is another reason. Without giving much thought, one takes up a subject and realizes it only when it’s too late. A student is good in science but is interested and passionate about literature. Now, what does he choose? What are the career prospects in literature as a career? Should one study in India or abroad? This is just one of the many questions which pops up in the minds of students and parents. Choosing a subject is a pre-requisite which determines your career. So, choosing the right subject affects your career choice. Lack of information about a subject may lead to a wrong decision. One should know what all prospects lie today and what the future is. This all narrows down to one thing : Career Counselling. Making an informed and sound decision at the right time is what matters the most.
Now, how is it done? Are you a student who has just completed their 10th grade and is still contemplating on a stream to choose? Global Careers is an educational consultant from the past 17 years. They not only help students/professionals to pursue a career abroad by giving expert training in GRE, IELTS, TOEFL and SAT, they also help students after 10th or 12th grade who want to pursue their careers in India and evade any confusion they have. As decisions made in high school predominantly affects your future career path. Students who need guidance in organizing their thoughts and want to know the latest in their fields of interest are welcomed.
At Global Careers, world renowned psychometric tests such as MBTI, Strong Interest Inventory are done to assess your aptitude, personality and interests. A detailed report is generated highlighting your aptitudes, personality, interests and capabilities. Highly qualified counsellors will attend to you which will be able to explain you the report and the pros and cons of choosing a stream and the career path it offers. It greatly helps one to get a clear idea, develop confidence and boosts ones morale. Here, it is believed the human capabilities are infinite. Everyone has their own set of strengths, weaknesses and some extra ordinary skills too. The key is to identify these skills through counselling sessions.
Choosing the right path at the right time leads to job satisfaction, professional success and eventually a good quality of life.