Potential vs Experience, Which one is Important?
The majority of companies in Indonesia considers the length of work experience is the important factor to do. Why it can be like that? That shown recruiter judge whether the candidates is qualified or no by their experience which it’s not fair for fresh graduate.
For example, there is a candidate with 5 years experienced in bank, but the position don’t change from the first time he join that company, and never get promoted. You won’t hire that candidate, right ?
Imagine if the founder of Virgin Group, Sir Richard Branson, was judged by experience not potential. It is unlikely he would have been recruited to manage a chain of record shops after dropping out of school at age 16.
That’s why experience should not be the key factors of people to be hired.
Fresh graduated know as a no experienced job seekers and that makes the greater number of unemployed people in Indonesia dominated by a bachelor. It’s unfair when recruiter look over fresh graduates resume, then their resume is blank, didn’t find any organizational experiences or had internship program before. It doesn’t mean that they are incapable of doing some things.
Especially when recruiters are overload, maybe they only look candidates photo. They assume photo will determines candidates capability. Past performance doesn’t guarantee future success, in fact the experienced can’t prove that person productive or suitable for work in a position that companies need. Instead, most of bad hiring problem caused by top tier which not fit in company culture.
Cause now, job seeker come from many generation, from baby boomers, till millennial, everybody have different personality. So, recruiter should know which personality they need. Experiences can’t seen from the length of work experience.
No wonder, if you find a fresh graduate and in a few months become a supervisor or even manager. That’s why, to be a supervisor or manager they should have ability, not just ability for work, but also soft skill to improve productivity.
Potential is generally defined as the capacity to develop into something great based on unrealized ability. Widely recognized by psychologists and scientists alike, potential can be found in one’s problem solving ability and level of conscientiousness. In fact, all personality traits factor into someone’s potential greatness.
In the past, traditional hiring has gravitated toward subjective measures and has made it difficult to reveal a candidate’s true potential. Today, modern hiring tools are creating opportunities to harness untapped talent, while giving the underdogs a chance to really prove their value.
Beside the length of work experience, recruiter better focus to find potential candidate. But, how ?

It’s easy, you can use screening system online from JobSmart. Cause we have online personality test which help you to see candidate’s personality easily. You don’t have to test them in your office, but you can read their personality report on your desk. Yes they don’t have experiences, but their personality match with the job.

Not only that, you also can see their video! Ya, it’s a new way of recruitment, no longer judge candidates based on their CV, but from their video. Through video you can see their spirit and something you can find on a paper.
What are you waiting for? Screen your candidate and find the best with http://www.jobsmart.co.id/id/employer