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Digital marketing - go to market plan and SWOT analysis

Digital marketing - go to market plan and SWOT analysis

Tuesday February 06, 2018 , 2 min Read

In marketing management, a number of strategies but which particular strategy suits your business would depend upon a number of factors.

Online marketing is booming over the globe. As per my analysis, GTM plan is an advanced version of SWOT analysis. But however, SWOT and GTM both are same in few aspects as illustrated below -


Whenever anyone making strategy will check past experience i.e. of that particular products as well as demand in the global market.

In online marketing, GTM plan as well SWOT analysis both will be beneficial.

For example - In Adwords, while creating any ads, what we will check as per GTM plan

a) WHAT will be our product portfolio/features for target customers? - Creation of Ads

b) WHO will we actively target within the global market? - Age Group - Will be difficult to identify online users as per age and gender.

c) WHERE will we promote and sell our products to target customers? - Target Users on basis of Location as per products

d) HOW will we promote our products to target customers? - Offers and re-marketing - Discount as per policy

When an organization wants to “go to market plan,” it should bring together all the commercial actions — marketing, sales, brand management, product pricing, discounts and customer insight to drive the effort.

Source - Hemant Kumar, Growth Hacker (