Colors and Shapes do matter
When a child comes to the world, one of the first things he notices is bright colors. The shapes are probably the next thing he starts recognizing through his toys. The pre-schools and kindergartens have the key objective of teaching them about the colors and their names. Kids should be encouraged to learn colors and shapes, as it makes it easier for the kids to learn all the subjects effortlessly.
Why do colors and shapes matter? The reasoning is simple that colors and shapes are the primary objects that are noticeable around us. The shapes make assorted objects around us recognizable by their uniqueness. The crux of the statement is that the colors and the shapes are the basics of every subject and all important for the human growth.
Color’s significance
The colors are the part of a human’s growth from the very beginning of the life. When a baby starts growing, he starts recognizing the objects and colors with their exact names. It is important to introduce many colors, shades, and hues to the kid. He should recognize each with its specific name. All colors inspire the children with its attractiveness. This attraction is used for awareness, as bright colored balloons, blocks, clothes, socks and picture books help them in this. There are several ways the colors are important for us.
Color enhances memory: The psychologists have found that colors are remembered more than the words. The vibrant colors have an astounding appeal to the memory. The color boosts the memory and is used for treatment also by the psychologists. If using computer language, then saving the color file is easier than a word file.
Color Ads have more readability- The Ad world is aware of the color’s importance in advertising. The study showed that color ads attract 42% more attention of the viewers.
Color power- source Xerox corporation
92% people say color stands out in an image
90% believe color attracts more customers
90% customers remember color presentation for long
83% people believe color changes their image.
81% believes color put them ahead of their competitors
76% say they look more successful to the clients with the color presentation.
The Shape Factor
The different shapes of the objects are expressed after collection of information about its shape, color, and usage. The connection process with different shapes begins for a kid from the very beginning. The kids adopt to the new shapes fast with their innocent curiosity. The child should be allowed to play with different household items. Lay them on the floor and allow the kid to make piles as per its shapes, triangular, square, and round etc. Add up a treasure hunt game for a child to find objects in the home and put them in the right pile of their size.
The letters and shapes share the common points. When the kid learns shapes then it becomes easy for him to form letters and numbers. It is needless to add that the colors and shapes chalk out the course of learnings. Yes, colors and shapes do matter a lot!