Surviving college with a TV & internet subscription
A Primer on Collegiate Pressure

The college comprises an enamoring time period in almost every individual’s life when he/she embarks on a quest to attain a higher (and more refined) semblance of scholarship in a particular intellectual domain. For the bulk of the population, this often proves to be a taxing moment in their lives – on both psychological and physical fronts. Enduring strenuous weekly class-cycles with professors who consistently demand a rapt state of attention (as they meticulously expound on one intricate theoretical concept after another) is no easy feat; even for those of us who are more academically inclined. Add to this the grueling sessions of physical activity – which in many educational institutions have to be consistently participated-in to fulfill lengthy degree requirements – and it is not hard to understand why many students choose to take the easy route and drop out. For those who do eventually decide to confirm, and face the behemoth that is modern higher education, a trusty TDS Internet Service often proves to come in quite handy; particularly when an active learner happens to encounter the mental plateau of being ‘saturated’ with his/her never-ending coursework.
How TV and the Internet can help…
A large majority of students do not hail from overly privileged economic (or socially well-placed) backgrounds, and so have to work incessantly in order to fend-off for themselves. Most try to obtain academic scholarships, which are normally hard to score on account of the mind-numbing competition that naturally trails them (with many students ‘fighting’ for a single class seat). Beleaguered as they are with all of their expenses, college students then try to seek out low-costing service amenities like TDS TV plans to instill some form of entertainment into their hectic schedules. On many occasions, even a choice comedy movie or horror flick can help to alleviate those familiar workday blues which many learners may experience on a daily basis.
On this front, the internet provides many exciting online avenues that cater fully to an odd-timed demand for instant entertainment. Popular video streaming channels like Netflix and Iflix (which may be enjoyed on virtually every internet-enabled device) offer huge catalogs of top-ranking Hollywood blockbusters and TV shows in crisp high-definition displays – and do not require lengthy downloading times for their rich content to be made accessible to an eager viewer. What’s important to note (particularly from the standpoint of collegiate students) however, is that all of these online services are inexpensive options which can be availed by almost anyone in possession of some extra currency.
Getting-by on a Subscription
Nowadays, the greater bulk of in-class activity is mostly conducted online, for which every educational institute freely provides its large student body with uninterrupted access to its internal internet servers. These on-campus connections, however, normally come abridged with a series of server-end software blocks, which scrupulously attempt to censor content that is deemed to be incompatible with the ‘good learning standards’ set out by the institute. For the purposes of accessing entertainment content such as online movies or songs (or even gaining entry to popular gaming platforms), students are forced to rely on their own personal monthly subscriptions to get by.
Many acclaimed ISPs in the country (including Spectrum) provide seasonal student discounts on their different service plans every year – because they anticipate the hike in demand that each new academic semester inevitably brings. When considering a tv internet service suitable to their needs, a lot of students also consider signing up for bundled-service packages. These provide two or three different connectivity solutions in the guise of one subscription, and at a much lower expense than that accrued when applying for TV, internet and phone services separately.
When contending with some misery…
For many young learners enrolled in university hostel programs, the long distance from their home stations means that a creeping accompaniment of nostalgia is never too far away. Some miss their parents and guardians so much that their academic schedules are adversely affected. Such scenarios invoke the targeted attention of concerned college counselors, who may be tempted to recommend a temporary dismissal of the woe-inflicted students from the university program altogether. When faced with such emotionally charged situations, many students find it helpful to regularly talk to their family members by phone.
The advent of the internet age successfully caused a decline in the number of phone users worldwide; owing to the rapid proliferation of nifty social media applications that allow people to interact through text, voice or video at much cheaper rates. In-person video conferencing beats the traditional mechanisms of text and voice correspondence by a long-shot; as demonstrated in various studies conducted on the user-experience offered by the said connectivity medium. Spectrum’s acclaimed tv internet service (by way of a related addition) offers stable and high-performance connection lines that allow users to commune through videos without experiencing any unwanted interruptions or transmission lags.
On Treading Carefully within the ISP World
When subscribing to a TV or Internet subscription, it is important to make a thorough consideration of such factors as cost, service quality, and customer-care response times. Many organizations engaged in selling tv and internet bundles to their undiscerning customers fail miserably in attempting to ‘make good’ on these important consumer-oriented metrics – and may altogether endanger a client’s trust in the industry altogether. Only a few ISP vendors, like Spectrum in the United States, have consistently managed to satisfy the aggregate expectations of a majority of their subscribers – and have won numerous industry accolades for their commendable performance.