Engineering in 5 years to startup company in 1 year
Engineering is worth completing in 5 years i.e for the extra one is for when you get the deep knowledge of the subjects by preparing again & again for the exams with the help of re-appears and backlogs you got in your past 4 years. This articles covers the same explaining about it is wrong for an engineer to have basic knowledge with 4 years of anyone's engineering journey- SARCASM only.
Hi, I am the guy (Nischay Pasrija) who has done this or say completed his in depth knowledge of engineering that is supposed to be completed in 4 years like every engineer does but a little different way i opted for to complete my degree in the tenure of 5 years. It was luck, fortunate, un-fortunate etc etc, that i can not comment upon. But the fact is i got the degree of engineering which i had completed in 5 years. May be due to the subjects taught in engineering were not interested enough for me.

My engineering was in Computer Science which i opted for while taking the admission all because i know how to use Facebook, there was no other reason opting for Computer Science. There is a strong possibility may be at that time if i knew how to drive bike could be the reason to opt for Mechanical Engineering. Hope so many other engineers didn't opted the same way i opted my branch for engineering. In the first year my graduation i passed every subject except for Maths, Physics & Chemistry.
Obviously it's not the the teacher's fault it is mine. But till now in near to 3 years of my professional career i didn't got this simple fact where the differentiation/ integration of Maths, chemicals mixture of Chemistry, weigh measurement of Physics will help me out in getting a job, promotion or an appraisal. If you think the same way i am making you understand raise your collar, a great engineer you are. But every person who enters into the engineering college suppose to pass every subject which comes on the way up to 8th semester, no matter any practical benefit will be there for a student or not.
After many hiccups with these some of the subjects i managed to pass the engineering in August 2015. Finally my family took the deep breadth that their son is now an engineer and me too felt some kind of war is over now. But its was not over yet, it comes the turn to show the skills to the companies for job. Whenever an HR reads about you from your CV and if he/she finds engineering in 5 years->REJECTED. I was like what i read many subjects twice or some thrice, accordingly the subject knowledge with the topic page number will be the maximum in me.
17th August, 2015 was the first day of my job as Digital Marketing Executive, which i however managed to get after having 4 rounds of interview in a company. There was lots of suffering, learning, taunts, happiness, sadness in the 1 year i.e 5th year of engineering which i need to cover if i need engineering degree. I worked with the full pace managed to gain many high level corporate connections got appraisal and promotions in every quarter. Was the youngest TL/Assistant Manager in a company with the highest appraisal of 40%. After working for near to one half year of my professional career i shifted my career to entrepreneurship i.e started my own venture http://currentrepairs.com/, and right now since last 10 months it is going great. Yes some of friends, family members when got to know about this think of i am crazy but i wasn't afraid of investing all my savings and did the same.
Also once i was near to bankrupt, took loan from my father and then managed my cash flow. But at the end revenue, profit, projects, company doesn't matter. All matters is the learning which i got from my entrepreneurship phase of my life. I consider this as my engineering not that one which forcefully i had completed in 5 years for the sake of one paper. Here i am also not saying that being an entrepreneur is an easy as people think of. Easy is only when you let go everything which doesn't belong to you. Ups and down are everywhere be it a professional job more or less you suffer a lot due to manager, senior etc.
All i could do this of the simple fact that up to engineering it was life driving me and now being independent the starring was in my hand no matter wherever i can drive. If i will win i can teach fellow junior engineers or in case i will lose the same i will continue i.e to teach. But will make a change for sure in the society.