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Audiobook review: ‘Everyday Chanakya’ takes a leaf out of Chanakya’s book to help the youth navigate the maze of corporate life

From chapters dedicated to effective time management, conflict management, leadership skills and more, this Storytel original by bestselling management author Radhakrishnan Pillai is a must-listen.

Audiobook review: ‘Everyday Chanakya’ takes a leaf out of Chanakya’s book to help the youth navigate the maze of corporate life

Tuesday March 03, 2020 , 3 min Read

‘How can I manage my time better?’ This is a question that all entrepreneurs will end up asking at some point. A long list of to-do tasks, multiple meetings, product development, marketing, finances etc., can stress anyone out, leaving us with the question – where did all the time go?

To answer this question and more, Dr Radhakrishnan Pillai, celebrated author of numerous management books like Corporate Chanakya and Chanakya Niti, has now delved into the audiobook space with Everyday Chanakya – a series of 10 audiobooks on Storytel, the audiobook streaming platform.


From chapters dedicated to conflict management, stress management and leadership, among others, Pillai espouses the principles that Chanakya, the kingmaker of the Mauryan empire, wrote in the Arthashastra -- an ancient Indian Sanskrit treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military strategy. The book primarily focuses on issues experienced by the youth in the corporate space and everyday life.

While the first chapter is dedicated to Chanakya’s inspiring personality and how his age-old teachings can be mirrored and implemented in managing life as we know it today, it progresses to touch upon the importance of leadership, job search skills, performance management etc. Tune into all 10 chapters on Storytel by registering here.

In the eighth chapter of the audiobook, dedicated to time management, the author uses the tips and tricks that Chanakya shared with Chandra Gupta Maurya about effectively managing time and its application in today’s time-starved world. Pillai cites everyday examples of those in corporate jobs, entrepreneurs, housewives, students and more.

Pillai, the author and narrator of this audiobook series, says the secret to success is effective time management. Everybody has 24 hours in a day, whether you are successful or not. The only difference is that those who manage those 24 hours better have an advantage.

Pillai breaks it down further to the importance of individual time as opposed to the standardised time set by society with an example of the time taken by two people to write a letter in one hour. While one person finishes a good quality letter before the hour is up, another might finish it after the deadline and still have a shoddy letter. It all depends on how that one hour has been utilised.

Factors such as skill, experience, concentration and natural talent form the basis of good time management. Pillai further states that to be a good leader, one has to build a team of good time-managers too. The right work must be given to the right person to enable work completion in the shortest time.

Adopting Chankaya’s lessons, Pillai says that a king cannot manage an entire kingdom himself and must appoint ministers. The same way, a leader, founder, or business owner must build a team that has the capacity and ability to manage time.

Leadership needs to be developed and it must start at a personal level. If a leader is not a good time manager at an individual level, he won't be able to create a team with good time managers, Pillai says.

Pillai’s clear enunciation and calm voice washes over you as he gives readers simple exercises, tips and tricks to manage their time better. From asking readers to maintaining a logbook to determine the time they devote to everyday tasks, to practice waking up at the first ring of the alarm.

So, if you are pressed for time and wonder how others do it all, tune into the ‘time management’ chapter of Everyday Chanakya today. Register here for a free 30-day trial.