What to do to stop giving up on your goals
This has always been my goal for my team - “stop giving up on goals”. In today’s world, most people get impatient during the struggle to reach a goal. This post will get you back on track to keep going and never give up.

No matter where you hail from, tripping over your goals is common. Nobody can find success by tripping over their long-established goals and dreams. Often times, I have suffered setbacks trying to achieve my goals. I always wanted so much more than what I was getting.
In my entire journey, panic attacks tightened their grip on me, and I was often pushed back. Fears. Doubts. Excuses. Failure. All these laid a hand over me, getting in the way of living a successful life.
But, I never lost interest because of what my surroundings taught me. This stopped me from quitting and now I am successfully living my dreams. I bring out brilliant ideas, engage my customers well, and make sure they are satisfied while promoting my company’s brand to market. All through these years, I am now adamant about not giving up.
So, how did I achieve this? Let me tell you about the things that people around me, and whatever I watched and read actually inspired me. If you find yourself constantly jumping from one job to other, losing interest in your goals and feeling exhausted with your dreams, you need to follow these tips:
Watch someone else persevere

It is not an exception to learn to persevere. There are many inspiring stories of great writers who struggled with several rejection letters, but kept moving forward pursuing their dreams. J.K. Rowling is a fine example, who was rejected by a dozen publishers before she finally found one to publish her Harry Potter series. Now she is a multi-millionaire. What ultimately made people like J.K. Rowling successful is their choice of perseverance. Likewise, we need to keep moving confidently in the direction of our dreams and reach our goals.
Focus on progress, not perfection

If you want to lead, you need to favour progress over perfection. Try to have a mindset that holds progress at its core. For example, the athletes like Novak Djokovic, and Ronda Rousey undergo deliberate practice day in and day out to consistently perform better. On the way to perfection, they are prepared to fall back and forth and even swing sometimes. The key is to keep the momentum in the forward direction by practice, practice and practice.
Do not quit on your goals if you find it difficult to stick to your new habit. Being prepared to keep up the changes will make your old habits die, and make you perfect for new goals.
Reward yourself on the way

Why not reward yourself when you are putting your best efforts. Use regular awards to pat yourself on the back and give a word of encouragement. Come up with some sort of rewards like an ice cream treat, or a dress from your favourite brand, or a lavish lunch. This will keep you motivated to keep going to accomplish something extremely valuable.
Do not be distracted from other aspects of life

Albert Einstein said, “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
It is tough to stay focused on our goals, and being focussed is the ability to say that you doing the work and nothing else, and no one can stop you from doing it. Many of you may start off with great intentions, with full power, but gradually may get distracted due to other aspects of life. You may across other important things in life, but setting priorities and fighting distractions is what will separate you from others.
Do not forget why you started it

You will be forced to stop many times in your journey to achieve your goal, so one of the most important steps is to create a list of all the reasons why you want to achieve that goal. American YouTube personality Tessa Violet inspires her audience by stressing on the importance of keeping top tier goals in mind even when doing other tasks related to it.
Be unstoppable to reach a particular goal, remember why you started, and never lose sight of your goals. Your “whys” will always motivate you to strive to reach there even in tough situations.
Recall the importance of your goal to you, and bring out all the important reasons answering your why. More the number of reasons you have, the more likely you won’t quit.
There you have it, some easy tips to get through your dips. Yes, dreams start small, but if you really want your dream to work, get into action. Keep moving forward with enthusiasm, and revive your motivation. You never know, success might be just around the corner. If you really want to achieve you goal, have the courage to overcome all odds, and soon you will instil the habit of never giving up in yourself.
(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)