Meet the graphic designer who gave up his career to make natural toys
Once upon a time, growing up in God's own country meant strolling around in green coconut plantations and playing with toys made from coconut leaves. Now, children are glued to smartphones, because of which they miss out on many of the joys of growing up. Desirous of changing this scenario, 33-year-old Nowshid Parammel quit his graphic designing job to create toys from coconut leaves and other natural products.

Having grown up in Bahrain, Nowshid moved to Kerala, the land of his ancestors, after his schooling. He then pursued his graduation in Bengaluru. He has worked in several advertising firms in Bengaluru, Dubai, and Saudi Arabia, says a report by The News Minute. In his previous job, he has served clients like Britannia and Mantri Developers.
In 2012, he quit his job to become a toy maker. A lover of organic and sustainable-living conditions, he was inspired by his friend Ashokan. He says,
I came to Perambra in Kozhikode and stayed with the family of Ashokan, a propagator of organic living. He had a small establishment there called Samam, where anybody can go and stay. Ashokan calls it a place for people to get back their health and lead a new life.
Nowshid then learnt toy-making from his friend. For most kids who grow up in urban places, the increase in access to digital and video games is a growing concern as it is derailing their connection with nature. He adds,
In many of my workshops I have seen the happiness on children’s faces when they make their own toys. They are surprised to hear the sound from the leaf whistles they make. We can’t deny this happiness to children. Kids should know how to play with the resources available around them. They should make things with creativity, he says.
When Nowshid is not conducting workshops, he works as a freelance designer to meet his basic expenses as this job doesn't promise him a lavish bank balance.
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