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Does your boss seem out to ‘get you’? Here are a few points that can help

Does your boss seem out to ‘get you’? Here are a few points that can help

Wednesday October 11, 2017 , 4 min Read

Have you ever been at the receiving end of a boss or management that never supported any of your ideas? If treated badly, not only does it affect your performance, it affects the entire workplace. No other leadership behaviour is as important as giving respect to employees. More than recognition, appreciation, and even monetary benefits, respect is the one thing that is most valued. Isn’t money important? Yes it is, but never at the cost of respect.

Image: Shutterstock

Image: Shutterstock

Remember that one of the main reasons why one would stick to a job or not can be predicted by the kind of relationship you have with your boss. If it sucks, it is not a surprise that you are on LinkedIn scouting for better opportunities. It is imperative that you and your boss share a relationship that carries mutual respect and admiration for each other.

Let us see some of the ways in which you can correct the situation:

Find common grounds to work on

It is impossible to work with someone who doesn’t agree with any of your suggestions. Without coming across as aggressive, how can you turn the situation around? Find places which interest the other party, in this case, your boss. Evince your interest in being a part of it; do your homework diligently before offering help in that area. Once they know you are serious in helping them, they might agree to work with you. Establish a rapport with them, and give your boss a chance to see what you are capable of.

Find the source for those feelings

Can you isolate and tell one instance or a barrage of wrong-doings that landed you in this soup? Did your boss lose trust in you because you failed him/her in some project? Learn to identify this as a non-personal issue. Talk to a colleague to see if they also see the fact that you are being sidelined, or if it is a figment of your imagination thanks to fatigue and overwork. Watch for your boss’s body language when they talk to you. Do they get upset because of something specific that you say or do?

Your boss could also be insecure

Did it ever occur to you that your boss is threatened by your knowledge and experience and is trying to downplay your efforts because he/she is insecure about their job? When everything is well between you two, there is no tension from the other side. Only when you say or do something that invites praise from others does your boss behave weirdly with you. This is a classic sign that they are jealous of you. Tread this situation with a lot of caution as making your boss feel good about their work is important here and will win you their trust for sure. Don’t let them feel as if you are undermining their authority or looking at taking up their job.

Pay extra attention to your boss’s needs

No, I am not asking you to be a doormat or their orderly. All I am asking you to do is to cut them some slack and strive to be on their side by helping them accomplish their goals. Be empathetic to your boss’s needs. Your chances of persuading your boss are better if you understand his/her situation.

Be indispensable

Although we keep yapping that everyone is dispensable and can be easily replaced, it is far from the truth. You can make yourself indispensable in so many ways. You have to accept the fact that there are a lot of average employees who do everything to scrape by each day without a long-term vision. How do people perceive your performance? Be so indispensable that the clients ask for you if they have any questions regarding the project. It takes a lot of time to be looked at as the next big thing. Once you get to that position, it will be difficult even for your boss who gives you a tough time to ignore your tenacity and value.

Be dogged about what your goals are and do everything as is expected. Once you are a maven at this, look for ways to help your boss and your company. These actions will make your boss look at you in a different light and give you your due respect.

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