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My journey of making everything complex, simple - Xelpmoc 2.0

My journey of making everything complex, simple - Xelpmoc 2.0

Monday September 18, 2017 , 5 min Read

As startup incubator and technology partner, Xelpmoc turns two and CEO Sandipan Chattopadhya shares his insights and thanks his co-passengers who have been part of this journey.

Time passes by. You know it. But feeling it is different. When you are in an intense journey it is at those sudden event points you suddenly realise how swiftly it has passed by.

Xelpmoc turns two. An amazing start to a journey that I am sure will last a long time for me.

Journey so far

The biggest lesson has been that, if the intent is right the pathways open up. We have been a huge hope for non-tech entrepreneurs who could not build tech teams despite being better in business. We gave voice to the ‘ignored’ entrepreneurs.

We have delivered on our core focus: to work with startups who are building solutions for the next 500 million Indians (and who come from among them)

4tigo has gone and become a game changer, Mihup is listed in the top 50 AI startups in the world by Quid, Matir Kotha serves 25 million+ people related to farming in West Bengal, Woovly is helping Indians live out their ‘me life’, Kidsstoppress is helping parents make well-informed decisions while bringing up their children and 121Policy would hopefully make the painful claims process and clarity in insurance a big change factor. And of course, much more to come in remote healthcare, edtech, online tutoring, rural marketplace etc.

Major additions have been our Hallmark. Apart from amazing new entrepreneurs, whom we have been lucky to work with, it is the co-passengers in the team, whom I would like to give a shout out to.

Jaison jumped on-board into this madness that we have been stirring. He takes care of human capital, which boosted our bandwidth, put some solidity to our people and operation processes

Arnab and Krishanu pitch in and enhance our tech depth immensely. Literally becoming the wind beneath our wings.

It is our privilege to have Vishal join in actively. Having always looked up to him, it is a fuzzy feeling to work alongside him. He joins the promoter group as a director and brings in tremendous knowledge and value to Xelpmoc. The rich experience in consumer and market he brings in and his plethora of ideas and focus help us immensely. Vishal underlines the core values of humility and knowledge into Xelpmoc. He is working alongside some of our portfolio companies in their growth and reach aspects. The smiles of those teams tell me how impactful he has been.

And finally, my sense of pride, relief, and ambition is heightened by Prakash. I have been happy to pass on the baton of CTO to him. He gave me the support I needed and reduced my burden significantly. He brought in intuition to modern software tools and practices. Technology obsolescence is a constant and I am glad that Prakash is easing me out of that. Prakash brings in the exquisite inquisitiveness of Xelpmoc. He is a bundle of energy, questions, and ideas. Just the right mad mix we can hope for to stay on top of technology innovation.

And of course the mad Xelpmoc team. You guys rock. Too many to name but you can find them dotted all over LinkedIn.

A huge shout out to our mentors Pankaj, Souvik and Dr Shyam Sundar. Subrata has been the constant rock. Backing up our mad ideas and a sounding and advice board for anything and everything.

What’s next

Taking startups to the next level. Being with them all the way. Through our work, we want to be part of 50 million people's lives every day. Whether it is through an ML-led educator for kids, AI in career management, educating Gen-Z about financials and investing discipline or data solution-ing for smart cities. We are also working with two of India's largest retailers for their data analytics.

Hopefully, we will have loads of more good news! But let me put in a teaser-we have been working hand-in-hand with the troika at InQube: Kalyanda, Tridib, and Shubhanker. Let’s just say we are joining hands in a deeper way very soon.

 Keep it simple, not simpler

Our goal is to build solutions that are needed. Necessity is the mother of invention and innovation. We aim to keep it simple, focus on the need of understanding and the solution will come. Get the right people with the heart to solve the problem.There’s lot more to come. We aspire to make xelpmoc BIG and makes loads of Indians smile.

We have promises to keep and smiles to give.

We thrive on all our network's good wishes and help. Srini and I wanted to share our journey to all as we really value the feedback and the wishes from all of you.

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)