Habits that make for an inefficient manager
History has been witness to a myriad of leaders, some good and some bad. While the former received recognition for all the right reasons, the latter were lambasted through the epochs of time immemorial. The same could be said for the business world.
Here are 10 qualities of a bad leader that should be avoided at all cost.

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Center of their own universe
We cannot stress enough on the importance of self-improvement and it is one of the key skills of a good leader. A bad leader is almost always under the impression that they are the best at everything and that is where their fallacy lies. Bad leaders are not really keen on the whole self-growth aspect of one’s character. Since they believe that they are perfect already, they do not feel the need of developing further.
Serenade themselves with minions
You will always find a bad leader surrounded by his/her cronies. They go by whatever their ‘master’ has to say, leaving little room for constructive criticism.
Bad leaders often say one thing and do the exact opposite. They fail to keep their words and this makes them difficult to be trusted by others.
Control freak
When it comes to delegating, they can turn a bright and talented team on its head. They believe that they are the best at everything and others cannot do the task well enough like themselves.
Make for a hostile environment
Bad leaders fail to understand the meaning of a vibrant company culture and they also do not work towards defining their company’s work culture. In a sense, they do not understand its importance.
Money-centric than people-centric
Yes, profit is the ultimate goal of any company, but employees are just as important. A bad leader would focus more on money and material benefits than trying to forge connections with people on a humane level.
Do not learn from their mistakes
To err is human, but to learn from the err is what bad leaders fail to do. They are just too perfect for it…remember?
Watch a person whom you consider to be a bad leader in action and maybe then you will be able to identify their mistakes better which will help you to avoid them at all costs.