5 tips to making your team super productive
Every supervisor wants to see his/her team at their productive best. As a boss, you might learn how to prioritise, plan, and streamline your work process. But how you impart the same teachings to your team can dictate their level of productivity in the company. You as a boss must ensure that your team members are not over-burdened by the tasks at hand. There is a very thin line between making your team super productive and pushing them over the edge.

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By emulating the below mentioned five tips, your team's productivity is bound to increase drastically.
Daily check-ins
Gather your team at the start of each day for not more than 10 minutes and request your team members for an update on their task lists. When you do this, you enable communication within the team and you also encourage team members to come forward with any problems they might be facing. Don't skip these daily reviews if you want to find out whether your team players are achieving their weekly goals.
Instill a sense of ownership in your team members
The best leaders in business understand the power of ownership. When your team members realise that they have been granted autonomy over certain tasks, they will put in all their hard work to see those tasks to fruition. Once employees understand that they aren't answerable at every turn, they begin to take ownership which increases the team's productivity.
Recognise each team player's strengths
If you want your team to be productive, you need to recognise and play on each employee's strengths. For example, you wouldn't ask a coder to design a graphic. Knowing the skill set of each member of your team is the backbone of producing a productive team. Start by determining each employee's abilities and then assign work accordingly. One way of getting to know your team players better is by having one-on-one conversations with them.
Openly communicate with your team members
Communication is the key to make any business thrive. Get your team members to talk to one another and establish a comfort zone. Encourage your team players to come and talk to you if they are overworked or if they are facing any other problem. When you take an extra step to express your thoughts and opinions, your team will understand the importance of communication.
Allow your team members to take breaks
If your team works eight hours a day, five days a week, you need to grant them leaves when they ask you for it. Don't tell them 'I'll think about it' when you know they've not taken a break in a long time. This will not only reflect badly on you, but it will also lead to your members burning out and quitting eventually.
From opening the doors of communication to lifting your team's morale by rewarding them for their achievements, use the above mentioned five tips to make your team super productive in 2017.