3 side effects of playing it safe
Life can get very boring when you completely give up on risk-taking. Of course, when I refer to risks, I don't mean wild, crazy behaviour with no head or tail whatsoever. When I say risks, I mean calculated and smart moves that have a high probability of working out in your favour. While playing it safe may keep you warm and comfortable in your comfort zone, it will get boring as time passes. If you want to move forward in your career, you need to be willing to live a little on the edge. Put your money into that project you have complete faith in and don't let people's pessimism or your own self-doubt talk you out of it. Change your career line and go from being an engineer to an animator if that's what will make you happy. Playing it safe will just help you pass the days. It won't help you live. Here are three well-known side effects of playing it safe:

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You live life by going through the motions
Isn't it exciting when you wake up and feel like the day presents you with countless possibilities? If you begin to play it safe, you won't feel that rush of anticipation and excitement anymore. You will gradually cease to look for opportunities and you'll accept life as it happens. You need to feel deep within that you were born to fulfil some purpose and you were added to the human race for some significance. Don't halt until you've figured out what your role is and how you can make a difference.
You feel less alive
When was the last time you felt your heart pumping in your chest and the rush of blood in your ears? To put it simply, when was the last time you felt courageous? You don't need to jump off a cliff to experience an adrenaline rush. By simply confronting a topic that you've avoided for so long or fighting a bully who refuses to back down, you can experience a heightened sense of clarity. This clarity and adrenaline rush combined will make you give up the idea of playing it safe forever.
You begin to feel disappointed with life and yourself
When you feel like you've been stuck in a situation for a long time and no matter how hard you try you can't get out of it, you begin to feel disappointed with yourself. This feeling of failure makes you compare other's perfect lives with your imperfect and broken one, leaving you feeling even worse. The first step to making yourself feel better is to stop comparing. The reason why other people's lives are better than yours is that they took risks instead of playing it safe all the time. Next, assess your life and take some calculated risks to make yourself more contented.
Reflect on the above-mentioned three points and start making some necessary alterations to your life. As Helen Keller once said, "Security is mostly a superstition. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."