5 inspirational books every 20-something should read
Being in your twenties in this day and age can get overwhelming and stressful. In addition to being more or less broke, people in their twenties have to constantly worry about losing their jobs, having their heart broken, or facing unfulfilled dreams. Most of these problems have no set answers. However, if you read inspirational books on life in general, you'll be motivated to seek answers of your own. Reading can not only bring you peace of mind, but it can also help you navigate through tough times. Here's a list of five books that can help you realise your potential at an early age.

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20 something manifesto by Christine Hassler
Through this book, the author explores some of the most common dilemmas young men and women face in their twenties. The narration is full of stories about the frustrations, successes, failures, and realisations of a group of people in their twenties. The writer is a life coach and a speaker, and she shares her suggestions and recommendations with the aim of helping you get what you want out of life.
I will teach you to be rich by Ramit Sethi
Originally published in 2009, this book deals with personal finance. It went on to become the New York Times Paperback Business Best Seller in the same year. Through this book, Sethi gives out tips and tricks that will help readers build a stable financial foundation. This book is specifically targeted at readers between 20 and 35 years of age. The author also focuses on cutting back on spending, reducing credit card debt, and improving credit score in this acclaimed publication.
101 secrets for your twenties by Paul Angone
One of the best books for people in their twenties, this novel has been expanded from the blog post '21 secrets for your 20s' that became viral. This book draws inspiration from Angone's personal life experiences, making for a captivating piece of wisdom. The narrative of this book is anything but preachy and boring. It's actually a great conversation-starter.
What the heck am I going to do with my life by Margaret Feinberg
This book is filled with examples of people who have been fortunate enough to find work satisfaction. Through the use of several questions, quizzes, resources, and discussions, the author helps readers find their passion. A classic combination of a self-development guide and a workbook, this publication focuses on finding the true meaning of life.
Life after college: the complete guide to getting what you want by Jenny Blake
This book is the perfect gift to give to a graduating student or young professional. Written by life coach and popular Gen Y blogger Jenny Blake, this book explores nine major areas after college life that include money, home, work, organisation, dating and relationships, family and friends, health, fun and relaxation, and personal growth. The book is the right read for you if you want to figure out the big picture.
Your twenties can be the most exciting yet intimidating time in your life. Take all the help and guidance you can get as it will help you set out on the correct path.