Remove these phrases to sound more confident
Speaking comes so naturally to all of us that we often don’t realise how we use fillers or certain phrases. Phrases like ‘I don’t know if it’s right but…’ may make you sound unsure. They also impact your self-image and self-confidence. If you want others to trust what you are saying, the first thing to keep in mind is to believe in yourself. Words can make or break you.
Here are a few words and phrases that are best removed from your vocabulary. And once done, you will notice a significant change in people’s attitude towards you. Your self- confidence will also get a boost, making you present yourself more comfortably.

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The usage of the word ‘hopefully’ makes you sound unreliable and unsure. Why should people be hopeful about what you are doing? Either you get the work done for sure or don’t do it at all!
Um, Ah, Err
These are used as fillers when you are unprepared. If you observe confident people, you will notice that they seldom use fillers, and in case they have to pause, they stop and think twice before starting the next sentence. Thinking about what you have to speak beforehand makes you use less fillers in a conversation.
The word ‘so’ is being used so frequently that people are beginning to look like they rehearsed their lines. It also distances your audience and indicates discomfort.
This word has ‘literally’ is often used meaninglessly. When you use a particular word without context you appear to be hiding your thoughts.
I’m not sure about what you think…
This statement is often used for fear of being arrogant or wrong. It affects the authenticity of what you are about to say. You are free to give your opinions, and nothing is going to cost you your job. Pointing out that you are hesitant may tarnish the effect of what you will be saying next.
I think
The use of ‘I think’ decreases the importance of what you are going to say. If you are going to use it since you are unsure about something, then it’s better to say that ‘rather’ than use ‘I think’.
I’m sorry
Have you done something very wrong? Have you committed a grave mistake? If not, then you needn’t be apologetic. It just makes you sound inferior.
Sort of
Using ‘sort of’ makes you sound as though you have no idea about what you are doing. It might also indicate that you agree with someone only partially and that you are unsure. If you are unsure about the situation then it’s better to clarify details and facts before diving into a topic.
By getting rid of unwanted words and phrases, you will appear to be more refined and genuine. It doesn’t require a lot of effort to do so, but retaining them will definitely cost you!