Words and phrases to avoid using in emails
Communicating well professionally is as important as any other communication or conversation. Email is one of the most effective and frequent modes of communication. The effect it may have can be vital in the next step in your career. The words you choose can have a deep impact on the response you are anticipating. Often you may tend to use words clumsily, ignoring the consequences. It may annoy the reader to the extent that they won’t bother to read the rest of the email.

Here are a few words and phrases to avoid using in your emails and why:
I guess that…
To be a successful professional one must be sure of the data and information one provides. Using vague phrases such as ‘I guess that’ will make you sound unsure and unprofessional.
The word sorry has been used so frequently that nowadays it doesn’t sound genuine. People are using it for even the smallest of mistakes. It makes you sound as though you have committed something seriously wrong. It also sets the tone for what is to follow. The impression one may get is that something very wrong has been done even if nothing has gone wrong. Instead use ‘I apologise’ to make it sound more professional and genuine. Also, do not forget to state how you will rectify it.
Hope you are well
Using the word ‘hope’ in a formal email looks very irrelevant. It is also unnecessary and does not convey the correct message. Obviously you are not concerned about the recipient’s health and well-being. If you really do, then an email isn’t the place to put your query. Get to the point immediately without making the reader have to read extra lines.
I was thinking about reaching out to you
Be direct and straightforward about anything you write about. You might think this phrase may make you sound polite and soft, but it actually sounds slightly immature. A direct approach invites a faster response.
Beginning emails with ‘I’
Remember how in school our English teacher would always tell us to never start writing a letter with I? This rule applies to emails as well. It shows that you are more concerned about yourself than the person you are writing the mail to.
This is a very old- fashioned term that isn’t used anymore. It is usually used to sound extra polite. If you really want to maintain your etiquette, then say ‘please’ instead of ‘kindly’.
There are several professionals who know how to nail a presentation and have great pitching skills and talent. But sometimes sending out an email is the only challenge they face. A few details may make a world of difference. Consider these tips and make changes to the next set of mails you send out.