How to ask for more money at a new job
Are you finally looking to switch your job in the hope of career advancement and a better package? If so, you're not alone. Millennials are known to job-hop every time they feel their career is stagnating. However, whether you're at your third job or your fifth one, if you're still squeamish about asking for a well-deserved raise, this article is for you. A lot of employees hesitate to tell their employers the number they are looking for. While some don't know how to talk money, others don't want to get ahead of themselves by asking for a figure they don't think they deserve. Here are five strategies you can use for successful salary negotiation.

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Know your worth
If you want to get the pay you deserve, start by researching how much employees with the same years of experience as you are getting paid in your industry. Never walk into an interview without a number in your head as you will then be easily swayed by what your employer is offering.
Pick the higher range
When you're researching the average pay for your position, you'll come across a range that represents your market value. Avoid asking for something that falls in the middle of the range as your employer is bound to negotiate the number you propose and you want to leave some room for bargaining and still be pleased with the final offer.
Put your skills out there
Before you get to the talk of the salary, make sure that your employer is aware of your past experience and is impressed with what you have to bring to the table. Once your employer is certain that you're the right candidate for the job, he'll be more receptive to the number you have in mind.
Concentrate on the future
At some point, your interviewer is bound to ask you how much you earned at your previous job. This can get a little tricky if you were underpaid at your previous job. No matter how low the number is, avoid lying. Instead, state your earlier salary and then quickly move the conversation to the package you wish to earn. You can increase your worth by talking about the new skills you've acquired and how you're looking to grow if you're offered the new job.
Stop talking after you've asked
Once you have pitched for a higher salary, stop talking. Nervous chatter can give your game away. Remaining quiet, on the other hand, will make you appear more confident and deserving of the salary you just quoted. According to Rania Anderson, founder of, “Less is more. Don't fill in the silence. Let the manager do that.” Unless your employer tells you that the salary you asked for is too high, don't get anxious about starting a negotiation.
If you put the above five strategies to work, you'll have a better chance at getting what you desire. However, be sure not to ask for unreal figures as you will miss out on a good opportunity in the process.