Use employees to boost your social media reach
It is a widely asserted fact that employees are a great asset to any company. And if they are active on social media, employers could leverage this to help their brand grow by leaps and bounds. The more your subscribers, the greater your reach. Employees can be useful for your brand’s social media advocacy, a practice which is underutilized and less understood.

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Social media marketing is obviously not a one-man job, and if you have people sitting in your office who can help spread the word about your company, there is nothing like it. It should be understood here that social media marketing with employee involvement doesn’t just mean sharing posts. It is about creating a viral presence, giving the world the sense that you are there for them. Let’s discuss some creative ways to shout out to the world:
Value in engagement
The first and foremost thing you need to do is to give employees enough reason to engage. Employees may be hesitant to allow their social media profiles to be used for the company’s benefit. The solution to this is to explain to them how doing so will benefit the company. You could throw in some numbers and show how reach and revenue can be increased by a little word.
Engage them in social media planning meetings
A fresh outlook to campaigns can sometimes work wonders. In light of this, involving employees outside the social media team can turn out to be a really good experience. They may have insights about campaigns, designs, etc. This also makes them feel acknowledged and valued.
Nurture employee pride
Communicate and share with employees the positive results of campaigns. Tell them that their efforts have not been in vain. Share this with them on a regular basis. Apps like Leadfeeder can be a good use here.
Mention employees in your posts and company blog
Social media praising is new-gen practice for employee satisfaction. Post pictures and write-ups about employee achievements. Mention or tag the team or the employee. This can automatically gather likes, shares, and comments, in turn increasing social media engagement. Alternatively, share top employee posts on your company page/blog.
Content communication tool
It is crucial that all your employees understand what is happening where and when in terms of the social media. There are online tools or apps (DrumUp, Slack) which help create channels and aid communication with different audiences. Choose one tool, put everyone on it, and communicate.
While it is great to involve employees in social media marketing, make sure that they want to participate in this advocacy themselves. Plan and analyse to see what kind of new reach will be achieved through this and whether it is worth the effort. Simple processes and light usage of this source is recommended.