5 things millennials hate about your workplace
Employee management is one of the most difficult challenges that entrepreneurs face. This challenge seems even more real when you have a workplace full of millennials and you don't know how to deal with a sudden burst of different personalities and diverse dreams. While most companies concentrate on giving millennials what they want, not many think of understanding what they don't want and modifying their workplace accordingly. Here are five things that millennial employees hate about their workspaces.

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Strict work timings
Millennials like to work at their own pace and in their own space. They categorically hate nine-to-five jobs and prefer to work remotely. They like to keep their work hours flexible to strike a perfect work-life balance. This doesn't mean that their work is compromised in any way. They simply choose to work according to their comfort, and therefore, strict work timings are a big no-no for this generation of employees.
Open office concept
In an open office model, there is little to no partition between the employees’ desks. This gives millennials the impression that you are constantly keeping an eye on them. It not only erodes trust, but also sees many employees complain that the noise and distraction hampers productivity. Moreover, if the senior management works in private offices while millennials are made to work in an open space, they'll resent the top management for being biased.
No say in decision-making
Millennials appreciate it when they are involved in important communication and decision-making. When companies make a decision, millennials like to know the reasoning behind that judgment, so they can buy into it and work towards a collective goal. It is imperative to create a transparent workspace if you want to retain your millennial employees. Consistently holding meetings to update employees and asking for their thoughts and feedback can do a world of good to both, the employers as well as millennials.
No training sessions
Millennials are looking for constant feedback from their leaders, and companies that organise training sessions for their employees earn brownie points from millennials. Whether it involves getting an industry expert to talk on a particular subject or appointing the leaders within the company to hold weekly sessions, millennials view trainings as their chance to learn from the best. Companies that fail to hold training sessions keep their employees from growing and developing a better understanding of the job.
Wastage of time
Whether it is meetings that go on forever or working late hours because the boss forgot to assign an important task earlier in the day, millenials value their time more than money, and they, therefore, hate it when workplaces don't respect their time. Additionally, bombarding millennials with emails and phone calls over the weekend isn't the best thing to do, because they believe in striking a correct work-life balance, and working on weekends doesn't fit their agenda.
Keep the above points in mind if you want to keep your millennial talent from drifting away. Go one step further and collaborate with your HR to develop scalable solutions to attract this generation to join your organisation.