5 reasons why every freelancer needs their own website
The appeal of flexible work timings and not having to report to anyone but themselves is making more and more professionals turn to freelancing. However, this results in a lot of competition which makes it a difficult task to carve a name out for yourself. And the countless websites which cater to freelancers only help you so much when it comes to finding quality work with adequate pay on a regular basis. That's where having your own website can do wonders as it not only separates you from the average crowd but also bolsters your credibility to prospective clients.

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Here are a few reasons why every freelancer should have their own website:
It helps you stand out from the crowd
Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr which help prospective clients connect with freelancers are inundated with thousands of professionals. When it comes down to a client paying someone to do their work, they will undoubtedly select those who have spent more time building their portfolios on such sites, which usually takes months and years of completing orders. Having a website lets you skip the figurative line and establish yourself as an expert, which in turn results in better orders, both in quality and value.
It allows you to showcase your work
Clients are never quite certain of the quality of work they will receive from a freelancer. If you have a website, however, it can act as a ready portfolio where you can showcase your best work to prospective clients, who will immediately get a measure of what you can offer. Whether you are a writer, designer, or a coder, a website that displays your work is the best way to woo clients who are on the fence about hiring you.
It builds your credibility
Credibility is of vital importance in the digital sphere. In a world where everyone is equal until proven otherwise, having your own website can do wonders for getting better business. Clients are more likely to hire you, and pay more as well, if you can show them a work history and recommendations from previous clients. It also creates the possibility of clients finding you in the future instead of you chasing them for work.
It broadens your reach through social media
Getting your voice heard above all the noise is important in the crowded world of freelancing. If you have a website, you can promote your services using popular social sites like Facebook and Medium at no added cost. This will build a stronger customer base as people are more likely to trust service providers with large social media followings. It also affords you the chance to run ads on social sites to increase awareness about and promote your business.
It helps you make more money
Having a popular website that garners a respectable number of visits on a regular basis is a veritable gold mine on its own. The easiest way to make money of such ventures is to run ads using Google AdSense. You can also diversify your earning options if your website shows you as an expert on a particular topic. For example, if you run a popular blog on automobiles, you can earn extra money writing guest posts on other publications with the same focus.
Regardless of the type of work you specialise in as a freelancer, it is absolutely essential for you to have a website. Sure it may take some time and effort, but that is a worthy investment that will pay large dividends down the road.