4 sure-shot ways to profit from building an online course
The 21st century rat race is more competitive and complicated than ever before because, true to the word, there are more people than there are jobs. This is a scary thought because it suggests that as skilled as you may be at what you’re doing, at any given time you are still indispensable.
The first instance of this can be realised when you scout the internet for resume samples. While enough has been written about how to write a resume that will definitely land you an interview, what most of these articles emphasise is the need to list out keywords and factors that will make yours stand out in a pile of 100. The general ‘proficient in English and Hindi’ won’t cut it anymore. You need to show your future employer that your proficiency extends beyond paper into the digital world as well.

Let’s face it, the world is slowly going digital. Even companies are replacing people with automated bots. The need to adapt your skills to technological advancements has become a stark necessity.
However, the extremely practical problem of being taught these skills figures at this point. Not everybody can afford to attend classes in universities offering the said programmes.
But the concept of online courses has become quite popular in the past couple of years. Professionals are taking to the internet to teach entire courses through either text or video. Tutorials, Q&As, and various other interactive sessions help viewers receive the same training or knowledge from an online course that they would sitting in a classroom. Whether free or paid, these courses can benefit both the creator and the student. If you are thinking of building an online course, here are some of the gains you can expect:
Increasing brand value
For instance, Mrs Y, a digital marketing professional could be offer an online course on the subject. Assuming that she is good at what she teaches, her student-base can be expected to increase rapidly, because those who have taken her course will begin to recommend it through the infinite reach of the internet. Subsequently, Mrs Y will succeed in increasing the value of her personal brand. This will help her build an important internet following and thus become an acclaimed name in the industry.
Becoming a subject expert
Any teacher will tell you that the more they teach a subject, the better they become at it. With offering online courses, the challenges that arise from catering to such a diverse range of students will definitely help open a door to new possibilities in the subject you are associated with.
Pamela Wilson sums this up perfectly when she says, “There’s nothing like codifying your expertise and teaching it to others to cement certain concepts in your own mind.”
Providing a networking medium
For most online courses, information is spread among the potential audience through social media. As a course maker, you need to do this by creating an online forum – maybe a Facebook group or something similar – to keep your students in the loop. Simultaneously, you are also providing these like-minded individuals with a platform to connect and network with each other, much like they would in a physical classroom space.
It’s a great way to make money
If you plan to charge for your tutorials, this can be a source of tremendous source of revenue. According to Forbes, elite instructors who have large followings on social media and have successfully developed their brand values can generate six figures annually from their courses. Risks, of course, are part of the business, and it isn’t advisable to target online course-building as your sole or primary profession. However, as a side business to be conducted weekly or even bi-monthly, it is a guaranteed shoo-in of the big bucks.
So what are you waiting for? Streamline your expertise and start building!