How a flexible work environment works as a motivator
Workplace flexibility is fast climbing up on the list of priorities for most working professionals, so much so that they are even ready to give up a job position if they don’t find it flexible enough! There has been a long list of studies discussing workplace flexibility, but one in particular says that flexible workers are a lot more productive than their nine to five counterparts.

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Due to its increasing demands and more apparent benefits, more and more companies are ditching the age old work model for a more relaxed and flexible one. Companies that are not offering the same are not only creating an unideal work environment but also reducing chances of acquiring and retaining talented people. Companies like Buffer and Basecamp are classic examples of a perfect type of remote working. Both these companies are thriving on their small, closely knit teams who are working from all over the world, defying and challenging the established norms of a traditional work environment.
Here are four ways a flexible working environment can be a huge motivator for your employees.
Better teamwork
Flexibility means that the employees will get to choose their timings at their own liberty, and remote working means that an employee will have better work-life balance. Since every single person in the team is given the same flexibility, it will inculcate a deeper sense of teamwork, such that one might pitch in for someone who is away. Every single person will reap the benefits. Thus, turning away from the isolationist policy, employees become more connected.
Reduced stress
There is no doubt that a flexible working situation provides better work-life balance, they are more satisfied with their work and lives in general… all this is a direct stress reliever! Studies show that people with an overall better work-life balance than those who don’t are more likely to be a productive person at work and are less likely to go job hunting for a better position. That’s the biggest pro that a company can ask for from any policy change.
Happier employees
It’s all about keeping the employees happy since they are the ones who will steer the company towards success. Employees who are empowered to structure their own routines according to their own preferences have been found to be more satisfied at work. Happy employees will lead to happier working conditions and a positive environment. Since every other company wants to succeed, this is a foolproof way to ensure the same. Another thing to keep in mind is that a positive working environment will also attract better talented people.
Increased productivity
Every company puts a premium on work getting done, but when coming to work is more about showing yourself up rather than working, things start to fall behind. But, with a flexible work routine and with the idea of working around deadlines, workers can work at their own pace, hence, producing better work.
The most important luxury of this newer form of work is reducing stress, and once that’s taken care of, one can find their company in a happy zone. Gone are the days of going to work at nine and coming back at five. With changing priorities, both for the companies and the employees as well, it is time that they rethink their policies in the favor of this non-traditional form of work.