5 simple things every new blogger should know
In an era where people are encouraged and supported to pursue their dreams, writing is one of those careers that have really taken off. Especially with the emergence of digital tools and social media, new poets, writers, and authors have taken birth. Blogging has become a popular pastime or career option. Some people do it out of interest, or also for money and/or social recognition. Irrespective of these reasons, blogging has its own advantages, for instance gaining market visibility, gaining influence, establishing a network, to name a few.

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If you are planning to start your own blog, here are a few things you should know.
The Why
Intention and vision are vital to create and sustain a blog. As mentioned earlier, businesses use blogging to reach new people, some use blogging as a creative vent, while others do it to earn an extra buck. The key is to understand your purpose and establish clarity around it. This is important as it forms the basis of remarkable, engaging, and successful content.
The Host
The next step in setting up your own blog is finding what we call in the blogging world as a host. A host is the medium through which you go live and reach you target audiences. The choice here is whether to go for self-hosting or a free blog hosting. While the former is a paid and more complex configuration, the latter is free, affordable, and easy. So a host should be chosen depending upon the nature of interaction expected.
The Platform
The internet is filled with tonnes of platforms, paid and free, which aid in blogging, such as WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr. More often than not, a blogging platform is different from a host, except in the case of WordPress. It is important to choose a unique and attractive domain name. The blog design also plays a pivotal role in gathering audiences, so make sure it is well in sync with the purpose of the blog.
The Content
Content is the new king. Period. It is essential to develop error-free and grammatically correct content to leave a long lasting impact on the readers. Also, engage your audience with relevant audio-visual aid to keep them interested. Unique and intriguing content ushers in new traffic and thus, increases the blog’s visibility. Social media links would also help generate new readers.
The Analytics
It’s a great idea to know some blog analytics –reading and decoding. This will help you gauge feedback and responses to the blog in general and posts in particular. Some tools like Google Analytics and Sitemeter are freely available and easy to use. There are also some paid tools like Woorank and Moz Pro Tools, having additional reporting which comes at a cost.
This basic information will get you going, and you would be learning a lot on the fly. It takes time and effort to build quality content and establish a loyal readership base. A successful blogger is one who understands this fact and constantly works towards fine tuning their blog.