5 ways to revamp your music playlist to improve your productivity
Something most of us have in common is the ‘earphones/headphones’ habit, listening to music whenever we can. With the ubiquity of mobile devices, there is a larger access to music, either through sites like Gaana or even the local radio station, people revel in. But something very common among working professionals is listening to music as they work.

Music is known to be a huge contributor to increased productivity in the workspace. In an article by The Telegraph, neuropsychologist and the Chairman of Mindlab International, Dr David Lewis spoke about the benefits of listening to music while working. “Music is a very powerful management tool if you want to increase not only the efficiency of your workforce but also their mental state, their emotional state – they’re going to become more positive about the work,” he said.
Putting on your earphones creates a personalised unit that allows you to work within your own space. It helps you focus and maintain your concentration levels without being distracted. So, it will be quite handy to have a specific playlist for work, but it matters what you put in it. Here’s a list of music and some genres you can use to revamp your existing playlist specifically for your work routine.
Nature sounds
Listening to white noise and sounds of nature can up your working methods by inducing concentration and calmness. An article in the Hubspot blog in quoting a study stated that listening to natural sounds can “enhance your cognitive functioning, optimise your ability to concentrate, and increase your level of satisfaction.” So download some sound tracks that are purely ‘natural’. This includes the sound of the ocean, rainfall, the rustling of leaves, or the sound of the forest. If it’s too calming to get you to work, pair it with your playlist when you listen to it.
Post rock
For those who cringe at the thought of sub-genres in music, here’s one that’s unearthed for you: post rock. If you’re the type who likes the rock version of orchestral music without any lyrics, post rock is for your playlist. Post rock has its origins from experimental rock which uses the average instruments in a rock band (guitar, piano sounds, and drums) along with additional melodies and rhythms. This infusion includes electronic manipulators that give the sound an ethereal feel. Post rock features repeating music motifs with gradual progressions that pick up pace, and this can keep you focused and perform better at work.
Instrumental music
If you love the sound of classical instruments brimming with harmony in an orchestra, by all means, add it to your playlist. As per several studies, Mozart’s music is supposed to make you mentally tune you to be more productive. “The Mozart Effect” added to your playlist should help you concentrate better and work efficiently. Try adding anything similar to Mozart, Bach, or Beethoven to your playlist, that is, any bit of music that has an orchestral arrangement that tickles your fancy.
Videogame Themes
Be you a hardcore gamer or someone who has never seen a PlayStation or an Xbox, video game music is tailor made to keep you going. This music is designed to keep people focused with motivating rhythms as it plays in the background. It’s no wonder gamers are stuck to their seats with their joysticks. Sounds pretty close to what you could use on a drab Monday morning? Make the addition to your playlist.
Happy thoughts playlists
Maybe you’re a creature of habit that cannot let go off the playlist you have, or perhaps your tastes in music are different. Just make sure that there is nothing demotivating on your playlist. Keep anything that has upbeat music, anything that inspires you or makes you think happy thoughts. This ought to better your work experience and help you perform better.
Making a playlist by keeping these things in mind will help you improve your productivity. Nevertheless, it would be wise to note that this is only a spur to your work methods. But, if used in the right way, this work hack can help keep you happy when you’re working. Give it a shot.