4 helpful tips to create the perfect home office
Working from home is an efficient and productive way of getting work done. But if your work environment is too comfortable or too ‘homely’, you can attract serious, unwanted distractions. People jump at the idea of working from home. Working in your jammies, drinking coffee whenever you want and maybe hitting a cold one every now and then, nothing can be better, right? True, but too much comfort can be detrimental to productivity. The key is to strike a balance between the physical boundaries of a workplace and the home environment.

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People working from home often fail to deliver because they constantly juggle their personal and professional lives. But these tips can help you create the perfect home office for yourself, so try them out and see your productivity skyrocket!
Choose the right location
Whether at home or outside, you are likely to spend much time working in your office, so don’t make the mistake of shying away from choosing a spacious location for yourself. Picking a tiny little spot to “shove the table in” can be dangerous. You also need to be wary of how much distraction you can withstand. If you are the kind of person who can work around noises or traffic, then choosing a room next to road might not be detrimental. On the other hand, easily distracted individuals need quieter places. If your work entails meeting clients, remember to choose a bigger area with ample seating arrangements.
Paint the walls
Office walls look really boring with their neutrals and beiges, so forget them! At home you are your own boss. Paint the walls of your office any colour you want, but ensure that the colour gets your work motor running. Research shows that particular colours can affect one’s mood, so finding what works best for you and your creative juices will help you excel. For some, it may be bright, tangy colours, and for others it can be lighter pastels.
Ensure privacy
Even a pro multitasker is bound to get effected when hit by a sea of distractions. While selecting the location, ensure you pick a relatively quiet and isolated area. Even though you may be working, others in the house might forget it. If you do not like shutting the door, then try hanging a sign outside to remind others that you are busy.
Working at home has its own perks. For example, you can decorate the work space according to your taste. Use colourful sticky notes, fancy decorations, inspirational quotes, painting, plant pots or anything else that makes your environment feel less office-like and more home-like. This will definitely increase your productivity tremendously because relaxation is a one-way ticket to getting some good work done.
Whatever the case, nothing can be more fun than the opportunity to work in the comfort of your own home. Hopefully, these tips should help you create the ideal den.