Why it's important to establish yourself as a personal brand
Entrepreneurs spend grueling days and sleepless nights to give their ideas a direction and then turn them into a profit-making venture. Many of them do it successfully and transform their businesses into brands. But in the process, they forget to create a brand for themselves.
Given the existing business ecosystem in the country, one thing is pretty clear – your product/service quality alone can't drive the business forever. You have to give users a solid reason to connect with you and have faith in your capabilities. Personal branding gives you that credibility.

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“If people like you, they'll listen to you. But if they trust you, they'll do business with you.” – Zig Ziglar, American author, salesman and motivational speaker
If you wish to make a dent in the universe and come out as a clear winner, you need to understand that personal branding is just as important as your business. Here are some of the benefits of personal branding that you can witness over a period:
It expands your network
In today's time, when hundreds of businesses are born and shut every day, networking is the only key to survival. People like to connect with other like-minded people and networking gives them that chance. When you focus on building a personal brand, it works like a magnet and attracts people who can be useful for your career or business, just like you're to theirs.
It opens doors to new opportunities
Writing on various online platforms and using different social media channels like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn work well in terms of personal branding. By using these platforms wisely, you can get in touch with many people who have the right set of opportunities for you. It could be a co-authorship proposal, a joint-venture offer, a new business idea or a simple customer referral. Personal branding is a great way to explore new opportunities.
It establishes you as a credible person
On a day-to-day basis, when you try to transform yourself into a brand, you gain the trust of your potential customers. This practice establishes you as a credible person in the long run and turns your customers into fans. With the current pace at which the global economy is moving, you can do wonders if your clients trust you with their hearts and souls.
It helps you fight adverse situations
The market won't continue to perform well forever. Revenues will decrease, and customers will run out of money. There will come a time when most companies operating in the same industry as yours will struggle to survive. At that point, your personal brand can play a crucial role and stop customers from leaving your company.
Chance to be yourself
You may be running an insurance business and spending most of your time trying to grow your company and take it to the next level. However, that doesn't mean you can't be good at anything other than selling insurance. You can be a great motivational speaker, a movie critique, a body building enthusiast or poet. When you try to establish yourself as a brand, it becomes easy for you to pursue everything that you love.
Your name is your biggest asset, and personal branding is your chance of using it for the long-term professional success. So, stop shying away from the limelight and do everything that it takes to become a brand yourself.