Unable to get anything done these days? Try these hacks
Each of us has a favourite time of the day (or night) when we feel most focused and productive. While some prefer to begin their tasks when they are fresh and rejuvenated in the morning, others are night owls who find it easiest to concentrate when everyone else is asleep. Whatever your preferred time to work may be, the fact remains that it is impossible for an individual to stay focussed throughout the day.

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But you can put your day to maximum use just by implementing a few minor changes to your schedule. Read on to learn how to put your work-day to the best use by implementing minor changes to your schedule:
Organise your space
Spend 10 minutes at the start and end of every workday to set your workspace in order. A clean desk helps reduce entropy and distractions and makes it easier to focus on the task at hand. Choose a place which enables you to reduce interruptions. Whether it is a cubicle which allows you to put up a ‘do not disturb’ sign, or a desk which has no phone nearby that rings every other minute, your space should give you the isolation needed to focus entirely on work.
Draw up a routine
Even when you have the perfect space, it is difficult to concentrate for nine hours on end! Line up the tasks you hope to accomplish in your day so that you don’t miss anything crucial. Tracking the time during which you are the most productive will enable you to schedule difficult tasks at a time when you are most likely to complete them accurately. Your to-do list will even bring you that satisfaction once you’ve struck things off!
Take a break
Surprisingly, the best way to get work done is to take a lot of breaks. Frequent small breaks of five to ten minutes every hour or three to five minutes every half hour help you relax your eyes and mind and give you the time you need to transition from the task at hand to the next task. Make sure you relax your eyes when you take that much-needed break so that you can get back to you work refreshed. Something as simple as staring at an object at a distance helps your eyes re-focus and reduce eyestrain which is a major cause of fatigue.
Work offline
Emails popping up every minute, messenger notifications and social media sites are a significant drain on your time and attention. Turn your internet off when you have an important task to complete so that you can concentrate on the hour’s goals.
Multitask less
The image of a modern worker is incomplete without the depiction of multiple arms tackling different tasks. Not all our brains are designed to juggle too many tasks at once. In fact, only two people in a hundred can multitask successfully. Research establishes that multitasking distracts you by confusing the brain and slowing you down. Focus on one task at a time so that you give it your best.
Define your goals
It is easy to lose sight of your goals when you are struggling to meet targets. Having a clear idea of what you aim to achieve and writing down goals which you can refer to when you can’t see the purpose of your arduous task help you persist in your effort. Whether you are a student aiming for a high grade or a professional planning the next promotion, defining your goal goes a long way in making sure you stay dedicated.
Harness your energy by scheduling your most important tasks at a time which suits you. Doing this lets you bask in the feeling of accomplishment which you experience on achieving small goals and targets. These, in turn, spur you on to reach long-term goals. Adhering to a routine, meditation and reading are habits which will help increase your focus over time and assist in ensuring a long and fulfilling career.