Is entrepreneurship a sport?
The beauty of my profession of career counselling is that I get to meet several students daily who have weaved different dreams in their beautiful minds. I get to hear their stories and learn more about them. At times, I meet students who are different from others and show an incredible kind of enthusiasm. Yesterday, my interaction happened to be a similar one. I met a girl named Shreya. She was kind of quiet when she came, and appeared very studious. Her looks could easily deceive you in thinking that she was an aspiring engineer or a doctor. However, to my surprise, on starting my interaction, I found her to be an entrepreneurial sports person. Her persona was different. She was totally an entrepreneur, but who wanted to become an international level tennis player.

For me, this was an eye opening and thought-provoking interaction. I realised the similarities in an entrepreneur and a sports person. Yes, entrepreneurship is a sport, my mind and heart both agreed on this. Similar to a sport, entrepreneurs have to show a high level of courage, determination, focus and hard work. They have to build themselves up from the scratch. Entrepreneurs need to polish them in every move a business can take similar to a sportsperson polishing himself for the game. The fact is that both of them are responsible for their own success and their destiny plays in their hands only. Entrepreneurship is not less than any sport when talked about dedication, sincerity, and self-growth.
Here are some of the lessons that can be taken from a sport for entrepreneurship;
# Love your profession
When I started my venture, I knew that I loved educating students and because I love my profession, there is never a time that I get bored of it. For all entrepreneurs it is the same, if they love what they are doing, they never need to do anything else to relax. Their work is their personal life and they love what they do. This is very similar to a sportsperson; he will play his game even to relax at times.
# Passion
For being successful at the journey, which is highly unpredictable, you definitely need passion. Passion of a sports person is never paralleled in any other profession except for entrepreneurship, and still entrepreneurs need to take lessons from them. I have seen many sports people playing even when they are terribly tired and yet they give their best shot. This is the dedication that an entrepreneur needs to show even at tough times.
# Rise after every fall
In entrepreneurship, there comes moments when you really need to be very strong. There will be others when no one will believe you. Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba, an e-commerce giant, faced hundreds of rejections before becoming successful in his business. Road to entrepreneurship is not an easy one, you will have to rise again and again and that too on your own.
# Giving your best at every challenge
Winning in the play field of entrepreneurship requires giving the best shot every time because you never know the strength of your opponent or the competition. You need to remain prepared for every challenge and make sure that you make the best out of it every time. You truly need to be the best version of yourself.
# Improve yourself daily
Lastly, an entrepreneur needs daily workout same as a sports personality needs. You can’t keep on fighting the competition if you are not up to date. Excellence is paramount for the success of an entrepreneur. The journey to entrepreneurship is a risky one, but risks can be easily overcome only if you are prepared.